Sardinian Reformers

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The Sardinian Reformers (Riformatori Sardi, RS) is a liberal an christian-democratic Italian political party based in Sardinia.

It emerged in 1994 as the Sardinian section of the Patto Segni. This list was launched by Mario Segni, a former Christian Democrat from Sardinia, and was composed basically of disgruntled Christian Democrats and Liberals. When Segni's party entered in the centre-left coalition for the 1996 general election (the Patto Segni was absorbed by Italian Renewal), Sardinian Reformers gained some independence from the mother-party, and when in the 1999 European Parliament election Mario Segni formed a joint list with National Alliance, they seemed to be closer to Forza Italia.

Indeed they, led by Michele Cossa and Massimo Fantola, were part of the centre-right in Sardinia as far as 1994 and, in the 2001 general election, Michele Cossa elected a deputy in a single-member district in Cagliari for the House of Freedoms coalition.

During the years in government of Silvio Berlusconi (2001-06), RS started to be critical about his leadrship and of the political line of the centre-right. In 2003 they contributed to the foundation of the new national party of Mario Segni, named Pact of Liberal Democrats. This party was on the ballot in 2004 European Parliament election, but scored only a misere 0.5% (7.4% in Sardinia). In the same year RS scored 5.9% in the regional election, getting elected 4 deputies in the Regional Council.

For 2006 general election, the Sardinian Reformers signed a pact with the Union of Christian and Centre Democrats (UDC). Massimo Fantola was elected Senator in UDC list, while Michele Cossa, candidate for the Chamber of Deputies, failed to be elected.

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