Saptha Rishis

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Hinduism is built great saints who have passed their wealth of Scholarly, Godly Knowledge over the centuries. The greatest 7 Among several thousands of such great saints are called the Saptha (Sanskrit word for the number Seven) Rishis (Sanskrit word for Saint).
These 7 saints are said to have attained the most exalted state of spiritual mind & sense control, thru the power of their penances and yogic power.
Each of these 7 is attributed to have contributed so much to the rituals, ways of worship, divine mantras, ways of penance that form the soul of Hinduism over the milennia.
They are, not in any particular order
1. Vashista
2. Viswamitra (also written Vishwamitra or Kowsika)
3. Kasyapa (also written Kashyapa)
4. Bharadwaja
5. Agastya
6. Kanva
7. Bhrigu (also called Bhrugu or Bhruguvu)
Some scriptures actually consider sage Aangeerasa to be the 6th of the Saptha Rishis instead of Kanva, bu they are all later changes.
The 7 saints mean so much to Hinduism that the 7 main stars of the Constellation of Ursa Major is named after them - The Saptha Rishi Mandalam (abode of the 7 saints).
One of those 7 stars has a little star right next to it, which can only be seen if seen intently. This star is said to be the devoted wife Arundathi of Vasistha. She is revered as the epitome of chastity in Hinduism. In Hinduism, the first thing a newly wedded couple are asked to do after their wedlock is to offer obeisance to that star.
Adding to the power of the 7 saints, even the Lineage of the Brahminical caste in Hinduism starts with each of these 7 saints as the first of the generations of the priestly caste of Hinduism - the Brahmins.
This is also called "Gothra" or "Gothram".
Thus, a brahmin could belong, say Bharadwaja Gothra has Saint Bharadwaja as the first of his lineage, his great-great ancestor.
Therefore, Hindu boys and girls in the same "Gothram" are considered siblings and therefore cannot wed.