Sao Kawng Kiao Intaleng

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Kawng Kiao Intaleng (seated, second from left) at the Delhi Durbar in 1903
Kawng Kiao Intaleng (seated, second from left) at the Delhi Durbar in 1903

Sao Kawng Kiao Intaleng succeeded his brother to become the 53rd ruler (Sawbwa) of the Shan state of Kengtung in 1895. He, his first wife, and and his sister, Princess Tip Htila, all attended the Delhi Durbar in 1903 in a party of Shan princes guided by J. G. Scott. After this journey, in 1905, he built a new palace in Imperial Indian style at his capital, Kengtung. He was a popular and capable ruler, and abolished domestic slavery in the state. He died in 1935.

The Kengtung State Chronicle lists his six wives and nineteen children. The politician and scholar Sao Sāimöng was one of his sons.

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