Talk:Sanat Kumara

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Sanat Kumara. Great Guru of the seed of Christ throughout cosmos; Hierarch of Venus; the Ancient of Days spoken of in Daniel 7:9, 13, 22. Sanat Kumara (from the Skt., meaning "always a youth") is one of the Seven Holy Kumaras. Long ago he came to Earth in her darkest hour when all light had gone out in her evolutions, for there was not a single individual on the planet who gave adoration to the God Presence. Sanat Kumara and the band of 144,000 souls of Light who accompanied him volunteered to keep the flame of Life on behalf of Earth's people. This they vowed to do until the children of God would respond to the love of God and turn once again to serve their Mighty I AM Presence. Sanat Kumara's retreat, Shamballa, was established on an island in the Gobi Sea, now the Gobi Desert. The first to respond to his flame was Gautama Buddha, followed by Lord Maitreya and Jesus.

Sanat Kumara is revered in Hinduism as one of the four or seven sons of Brahma. They are portrayed as youths who have remained ever pure. He is said to be one of the oldest progenitors of mankind. Sanat Kumara has revealed his fourfold identity as champion of the Cosmic Christ in the four quadrants of Matter and in his own Lightbearers as (1) Karttikeya, the god of war and commander-in-chief of the army of gods. Legends say Karttikeya was born specifically to slay the demon Taraka, who symbolizes the lower mind, or ignorance. (2) Kumara, "the holy youth." (3) Skanda, the son of Shiva. (4) Guha, "cave"; so called because he lives in the cave of the heart.

Sanat Kumara held the position of Lord of the World until his disciple Gautama Buddha reached sufficient attainment to hold that office. On January 1, 1956, Gautama Buddha was crowned Lord of the World and Sanat Kumara, as Regent Lord of the World, returned to Venus and to his twin flame, the Lady Master Venus. There, in another dimension of the 'physical/etheric' octave-together with the other Holy Kumaras, Mighty Victory and his legions, many Ascended Masters and the Lightbearers of Venus-he continues his service with the Great White Brotherhood on behalf of planet Earth. On May 25, 1975, Lady Master Venus announced that she had come to "tarry for a time on Terra" to dedicate anew the fires of the Mother as Sanat Kumara keeps the flame on Venus. Sanat Kumara frequently dictates through the Messenger and envelops the Earth in the swaddling garment of his auric field. See also Lord of the World. (See Sanat Kumara On the Path of the Ruby Ray: The Opening of the Seventh Seal, Pearls of Wisdom, 1979, vol. 22, Book I.)

—This unsigned comment is by Sam Spade (talkcontribs) .

? The above is to be merged into the article, its not a comment... Sam Spade 13:21, 15 March 2006 (UTC)