Santiago de Querétaro

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Santiago de Querétaro, Querétaro, Mexico
City Coat of Arms
Coat of Arms
Latitude 20.36° N
Longitude 100.23° W
Municipal president Manuel González Valle (PAN)
Surface 759.9km² (municipality)

1,793.1 km² (metropolitan area)

Population 596,450 (city)
734,139 (municipality)
918,100 (metro)
HDI (2000) 0.8560
Time zone (UTC) -6 UTC CST
GDP (per capita) (2000) US$14.479,00
GDP (total) US$13,103,190,000.00
Official website:
Historic Monuments Zone of Querétaro1
UNESCO World Heritage Site
Downtown Querétaro
State Party Flag of Mexico Mexico
Type Cultural
Criteria ii, iv
Identification #792
Region2 Latin America and the Caribbean
Inscription History
Formal Inscription: 1996
20th WH Committee Session
WH link:

1 Name as officially inscribed on the WH List
2 As classified officially by UNESCO

Santiago de Querétaro is the capital and largest city of the Mexican state of Querétaro. It is also the municipal seat of the surrounding Querétaro municipality. The city had a 2005 census population of 596,450, and the municipality had a population of 734,139. The municipality has an area of 759.9 km² (293.4 sq mi) and includes smaller outlying communities such as Santa Rosa Jáuregui. The city was founded in 1531. Its historic centre is a World Heritage Site.


[edit] History

According to tradition, Querétaro was founded on 25 July 1531. On this date Spanish Conquistador Hernán Pérez Bocanegra y Córdoba arrived with Otomí Indian Conín, the chief Jilotepec, to found the town of Querétaro. He is said to have won without resorting to arms after seeing a vision of the Cross and Saint James the Great ("Santiago"), after whom the city was named.

In 1656 the city was re-named "The Noble and Loyal City of Santiago of Querétaro", by Viceroy the Duke of Alburquerque. The title was confirmed in 1712 by King Philip V of Spain.

In 1726 an aqueduct was constructed which furnished the city's water until 1970.

1796 street map of Santiago de Querétaro
1796 street map of Santiago de Querétaro

On 13 September 1810, Epigmenio González was taken prisoner after starting an insurrection against the oppressive Corregidor Don Miguel Domínguez and for conspiring against the Viceregal government - ironically, in cooperation with Doña Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez, wife of the corregidor. This is considered to be one of the earliest actions of the Mexican independence movement.

In 1847 Querétaro was made capital of the Republic during the United States of America's invasion in the Mexican-American War.

On 30 May 1848, the two nations exchanged their ratifications of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in Querétaro, whereby Mexico ceded to the United States its territories of Alta California and Nuevo México (today the US states of California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and parts of Colorado and New Mexico).

In 1867, during the French intervention in Mexico, the city was the last capital of Emperor Maximilian I of the Mexican Empire. The Liberal Republicans defeated the Imperial Conservative forces here, and on 19 June Maximilian was executed by a firing squad on the Hill of Bells ("Cerro de las Campanas") together with his Generals Miguel Miramón and Tomás Mejía.

Emperor Maximillian and his generals, Mejía and Miramón, were executed by a firing squad at Querétaro on 1867 June 19.
Emperor Maximillian and his generals, Mejía and Miramón, were executed by a firing squad at Querétaro on 1867 June 19.

Santiago de Querétaro was named capital of the Republic for the third time on 5 February 1917, as the Proclamation of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States was established by President Venustiano Carranza at the Congressional Congress in the city's Teatro de la República.

In 1997, after some 70 years of Partido Revolucionario Institucional domination, the city and state government passed to the control of the Partido Acción Nacional.

Since the 1980s, the city has received a lot of migration from other states and cities, and has changed from a medium city to become one of the wealthiest and cleanest cities of Mexico.

The city is known for its high quality of life, having one of the highest per capita incomes of Mexico and Latin America, and in the mid 1990s the city was declared by UNESCO World Heritage Site.

[edit] Boroughs


The municipality of Querétaro is divided into seven boroughs, called delegaciones:

  • Centro Histórico: it includes downtown and nearby areas, it is surrounded by the city's main thoroughfares (Blvd. Bernardo Quintana, 5 de Febrero Ave. and the Mexico City - Querétaro Highway). Most of the city's monuments are located here, including the UNESCO World Heritage Site designated areas, and the Cerro de las Campanas where Emperor Maximilian of Habsburg was executed. The north western corner is home to industrial establishments, mainly food related (Gerber, Nestlé, Pilgrim's Pride). (pop. 230,000; area 18 km²)
  • Santa Rosa Jáuregui: it consists mainly of rural areas, where the production of eggs, poultry and livestock are important. However, the borough includes larger towns such as Santa Rosa Jáuregui and Juriquilla. It is home to the largest water reservoir in the municipality, the Presa de Santa Catarina. A relatively new state of the art industrial park has been built here (Samsung). (pop. 76,000)
  • Felix Osores Sotomayor: most of the recent growth in the city has taken place here, the population growth rate estimated at 6%. The largest industrial area of Querétaro is located here, where lots of multinational companies have operations (Michelin, Philips). The beautiful neighborhood of Jurica is comprised in this borough. (pop. 145,000; area 40 km²)
  • Epigmenio González: a mostly residential zone on hilly terrain. The former airport will become the third campus of the Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro. (pop. 125,000; area 68 km²)
  • Josefa Vergara y Hernández: on the slopes of the Cerro del Cimatario, its easternmost area is known as Centro Sur, where the Stadium, Bus Station and City Hall are located. (pop. 200,000; area 33 km²)
  • Felipe Carrillo Puerto: the western part consists mainly of rural areas, where the town of Tlacote is located, famous for its allegedly miraculous water springs. The eastern area is urban and integrated with the rest of the city, with industrial zones (Kellogg's) and military facilities.
  • Cayetano Rubio: residential area, it includes the town of Hercules, a pictoresque village-like area, nestled between steep slopes along the riverway of the Río Querétaro.

The mayor of each borough is appointed by the mayor of the city, and there have been attempts to make these posts popularly elected.

[edit] Metropolitan Area

The metropolitan area of Querétaro also includes the municipalities of Corregidora, El Marqués, and Huimilpan. According to data from the National Population Council, Querétaro is the 11th largest metro area in Mexico, as well as the 128th largest in the Americas. The metropolitan area is composed of the following municipalities:

  • Santiago de Querétaro (Querétaro), pop. 734,139
  • Corregidora, pop. 104,218
  • El Marqués, pop. 79,743
  • Huimilpan, pop. 32,728

INEGI Reference

Handicrafts of glass, made at the historic center.
Handicrafts of glass, made at the historic center.

Querétaro has always been an important economic outpost in Mexico, since it is conveniently located on the main trade routes from Mexico City to the United States (Federal Highway 57), and to Central and Western Mexico.

One of the wealthiest cities in Mexico, it ranks 11th in human development and 4th in income level compared to the rest of municipalities in the country. The city has grown tremendously since the 1970s, when many food processing companies arrived lured by the agricultural output of nearby regions. Most were foreign firms, such as Gerber, Nestlé, Pilgrim's Pride, and Kellogg's.

The automobile industry followed suit, and although no assembly plant is located within the State of Querétaro, large numbers of suppliers to this industry are. Home appliance manufacturers have also been attracted to the city, most notably Daewoo, Samsung, and in the previous century Singer.

This large and diversified industrial base has provided a fertile ground for the development of retail and services. New shopping centers have begun to be constructed, and some corporations have decided to move their headquarters or some of their functions in, such as Kellogg's, Telcel, Michelin, and Santander Serfin.

The city now intends to transform its economy into a more value-added one. The arrival of Canadian Bombardier is expected to create the main aircraft cluster in Mexico. Other industries trying to be lured into the city are call centers, software manufacturers and R&D.

Tourism is also important to the economy. The large number of international companies have spurred the need to offer high quality services for business tourists. Since growth stagnated from the late 19th to the late 20th centuries, downtown has been incredibly preserved. As well, Queretaro is the gateway to nearby cities in Guanajuato, and to regions and towns in the state of Querétaro such as the Sierra Gorda, San Sebastián Bernal and Tequisquiapan.

In Januray 2007, the prestigious magazine "America Economía" put Santiago de Queretaro in the 13th place in the ranking of the best cities to do business in Latin America, and 4th in México, only after Monterrey, Guadalajara and Mexico City in that order. The ranking takes variables such as Telecommunications, Innovation, Life Quality, Urbanization and Security. Also the city is considered the fifth most important in Mexico after Mexico City, Monterrey, Guadalajara and Puebla.

[edit] Demographics

As of the census of 2005, there were 596,450 people living in Querétaro (734,139 in the municipality; 918,100 in the metropolitan area.)

The racial makeup of the city was 75% Mestizo, 15% White/European, 5% Amerindian, 2% North-Americans, 2.75% Asians (Mostly Korean and Japanese) 0.05% Black/African.

[edit] Transportation

Querétaro is the crossroads of Mexico. Federal Highway 57, which runs from Mexico City to Piedras Negras, crosses Queretaro. Federal Highway 45 leaves Querétaro eastbound, towards Guanajuato. The railway line that connects Mexico City with western Mexico bisects the city.

There are intercity buses that serve most of Mexico. The bus station is considered one of the best designed in the country.

A new airport was opened in November 2004 and is located some 30 km east of the city. It was built to replace a smaller one located at a highly urbanized borough of the city. There are frequent flights to Mexico City, Monterrey and Houston, Texas.

Downtown Querétaro follows a chessboard pattern, except for the areas around the Convent of the Holy Cross, which are more irregular. This responds to the latter quarter being built as an Indian town, while the new areas where specifically designed to house the Spanish populace.

The part of Federal Highway 57 that crosses the city is called Blvd. Bernardo Quintana, and this is the main road of the city, stretching from its southernmost part near City Hall, to the new industrial areas northwest of downtown. Federal Highway 45 crosses the city, south of downtown. Cinco de Febrero Ave joins them in a north – south route. The three of them form a sort of ring road around downtown, which makes driving around the city particularly easy.

The Libramiento Sur-Poniente is a new ring road under construction, though parts of it already exist. When completed, it will join Bernardo Quintana on its southeastern part, go around the city in its southwestern and western parts, and reach the northern suburb of Santa Rosa Jauregui. Currently, there is work in progress that aims to extend Bernardo Quintana on its northwestern end to this ring road.

Another freeway is under construction. Named after missionary Junípero Serra who founded the Missions of the Sierra Gorda, this road will create another ring road. It will go from northeast Querétaro around the old airport, reach the northern suburb of Juriquilla and go southwards down to the Libramiento Sur-Poniente.

[edit] Education and research

The city is home to some of the most important universities in Mexico. A campus of the prestigious ITESM (one of the largest by student population) is located here. The Autonomous University of Queretaro (founded in 1951) and the Queretaro Institute of Technology are the two major public universities located within the city limits. Other private universities include the Universidad del Valle de México, the Universidad Anáhuac, the Universidad Contemporánea and the Universidad Cuauhtemoc. Two of the largest public universities in the country (the National Autonomous University and National Polytechnic Institute, have set campii at the outskirts where significant research is done.

[edit] Parks

Some of the main urban parks within the city limits include Querétaro 2000, home to most of the sports facilities in town, and Los Alcanfores, near the Old Train Station, as well as the historical Alameda.

There are two National Parks within or nearby the city. The Cerro de las Campanas is completely surrounded by the city, and its importance is more of historical nature. The Cerro del Cimatario is located south of the city, and is home to a semialpine environment.

There are other three nature protection areas. Peña Colorada, northeast of downtown, was the proposed site of the 2010 World Exhibition, and will now be a preserved zone. El Tángano is right next to the bus station, and will host the City of Arts project in the near future. The Joya - La Barreta Park is located near the northwestern limits of the municipality. On September 2006, Jurica Poniente (West Jurica) was declared to be an ecological conservation area.

Also the city has two "Alamedas" (Spanish name for the parks) the "Alameda Central Hidalgo" which is some sort of central park, and the "Alameda Norte Allende" which is located in the north of the city.

A new project has been announced where the largest park in the city will be created. The Parque Alfalfares is located in the Felipe Carrillo Puerto borough, and will cover 14 hectares.

Downtown Querétaro has many small parks with kiosks called Jardínes (gardens) Such as Jardín Zenea, Jardín Guerrero or the two Alamedas.

Jardín Guerrero is known to be the only place in the city where gay sex cruising takes place

[edit] Media





[edit] Sister Cities

[edit] Main sights

City aqueduct.
City aqueduct.

The city has become a good place for tourists to visit, mainly because of the beauty of the historic center. A walk at night in its narrow streets and alleys is a beautiful experience that makes people remember the long struggle for the Mexican independence that began here, as well as the ancient legends that have spread generation after generation by its very proud inhabitants.

Mansion of Ecala.
Mansion of Ecala.

Downtown Querétaro (Centro Histórico) is where most of the main sights are located. The eastern part of this area is occupied by the Cerro del Sangremal, where the city was founded. The dominant structure in the area is the Convent of the Holy Cross. The area has irregular streets, typical of some Native American settlements. West of the convent is the Plaza de Armas, a beautiful square surrounded by great baroque buildings, notably Casa de la Corregidora, seat of the State government, and Casa de Ecala.

The city's most famous landmark is the 74 arched Aqueduct. It spans 1,280 meters and has a maximum height of 23 meters. It was built by Juan Antonio de Urrutia y Arana to take water to the Convent of the Holy Cross from some springs east of the city, and funded completely with his personal fortune. Its construction lasted from 1726 until 1738.

Pedestrian streets called andadores connect Plaza de Armas with the street of Corregidora. West of this street the city resembles a chessboard, a distribution more common to Spanish cities. Beautiful churches such as San Francisco, Santa Clara, Santa Rosa de Viterbo and the Cathedral dot the area, as well as museums (City, Regional, Restoration of the Republic, and Art museums) and squares and gardens (Jardín Guerrero, Plaza de la Corregidora, Jardín Zenea, Plaza de la Constitución). Some important civilian building include the former seat of City government and the Teatro de la República. This theater has historical importance, since it was here where te Mexican national anthem was first played in 1854, where Maximilian's trial took place in 1867, and where Mexico's current constitution was drafted in 1917. Today, the theater is home to the Orquesta Filarmónica del Estado de Querétaro.

Other cultural venues include the theaters "El Corral de Comedias" and "Cómicos de la Lengua", close to Plaza de Armas and the Cineteatro (cinema and theater) "Rosario Solano", close to Jardín Guerrero. The brand new Cultural Center "Manuel Gómez Morín" in front of the Alameda stands where the old bus station used to be.

Emperor Maximilian's Chapel.
Emperor Maximilian's Chapel.

The Cerro de las Campanas (Hill of Bells) is a beautiful park, full of history, being the place where Archduke Maximilian of Habsburg was executed. In 1900, the Austrian Habsburg family erected a small chapel on the site of the Emperor's death. The museum Magia del Pasado (Magic of the Past) is a showcase of the history of Querétaro since its origins to the twentieth century. There is also a colossal statue of President Benito Juárez.

[edit] Local festivities

  • Fiestas de Santiago de Querétaro (anniversary of the foundation of the city) 23 to 30 July.
  • Fiesta de la Virgen del Pueblito (festivity of Our Lady of El Pueblito)
  • Jolgorio (cultural fair)
  • Feria de Navidad de Querétaro (Christmas Fair) 1 to 15 December

[edit] Important events

  • National Anthem: the Mexican national anthem was played for the first time in the "Teatro de la República" in the city.
  • National Constitution: the Mexican constitution was written and signed also in the "Teatro de la República".
  • Mexico-US War: the ratifications of the peace treaty were exchanged in the city

[edit] Sports

The city has one of the most modern stadiums in Mexico, the Estadio Corregidora, built for the FIFA World Cup celebrated in 1986. The Queretaro FC in the Primera División de México plays there.

There is also a basketball team, Cometas, that plays in the Liga Nacional de Baloncesto Profesional. Its home is the Auditorio Arteaga, in dowtown.

One of the most popular sports in the city is bullfighting. There are two bullrings, Santa María, and Juriquilla. Santa María was inaugurated on December 22, 1963 and it has a capacity for 13,000 spectators. Juriquilla is much smaller.

Golf is also quite popular, with numerous beautiful courses including: Juriquilla, Campestre, Balvanera, and El Campanario. San Gil and Tequisquiapan are located near to the city itself.

[edit] Consulates





[edit] Gallery

[edit] References

  • Querétaro Enciclopedia de los Municipios de México

[edit] External link

Municipalities of Querétaro
State of Querétaro Amealco de Bonfil • Pinal de Amoles • Arroyo Seco • Cadereyta de Montes • Colón • Corregidora • Ezequiel Montes • Huimilpan • Jalpan de Serra • Landa de Matamoros • El Marqués • Pedro Escobedo • Peñamiller • Querétaro • San Joaquín • San Juan del Río • Tequisquiapan • Tolimán
Coat of Arms of Querétaro