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Sankalp[1] is a non-profit voluntary student organization at Iowa State University with an aim to fund sustainable projects and programs towards helping poor and illiterate people in India.

Brief History of Sankalp:

In 1995, a group of highly motivated students at Iowa State University decided to translate some of their thoughts into action and formed an informal organization, christened as India Literacy Focus Group. As made obvious by the name, they hoped improving the levels of literacy in India would empower people to make a difference to their social and economic stature. The vision of those students has always served as an inspiration to the current members of Sankalp.

In 1997, the Literacy Focus Group was formally inducted as a student organization, at Iowa State University, and began to receive funding from the Government of the Student Body (GSB) for overhead expenses. Around the same time, ‘Sankalp’ was adopted as the new name for the organization. Sankalp, which means resolve or determination, signified the intention of this organization to contribute in some measure to the development in India. Currently, Sankalp has a core group of 15-20 students, and a volunteer base on 20-30 students. In additional, local professionals and alumni contribute to the cause of Sankalp.

Sankalp has also broadened its focus from literacy to include other aspects of development; a few of the recently funded projects bear testimony to this fact. Sankalp believes that literacy is a part of overall development, and cannot be tackled in isolation. Satisfying the basic food and drinking water requirements is a primary prerequisite to education, and until these demands have been satisfied, there will no real development. Sankalp also believes that for education to be useful, it must be tailored to meet the needs of the community. A blind imposition of the western system of education will not solve the basic social problems of the country- hence a non-formal value-based system of education is crucial in the Indian context.

These new lessons in hand, Sankalp hopes to continue its fine tradition of thoughtful project selection and evaluation, and raise the money needed for these projects with its hard work in the local community.

Sankalp has funded, thus far, 12 projects to the tune $30,000. With your support we can increase these numbers, and make more meaningful contributions to India.

What are our goals?

To promote development Sankalp has a three pronged approach: Create awareness in the community about the socio-economic problems and other related developmental issues in India. Sponsor and nurture projects in India on a sustained basis. Create awareness about the work done by various organizations in India and in the US to tackle this problem. Effectively network and collaborate with other such organizations.

How do we function?

Sankalp offers financial and logistical support to NGOs and local bodies in India in their efforts in improving the lot of the people. The financial support is provided for specific purposes- referred to as ‘Projects’. An NGO working at the grassroots either approaches Sankalp or is referred to Sankalp for funds for a specific project. A proposal form is filled out and sent to Sankalp, which is then critically analyzed under various criteria. Sankalp usually goes through several communication rounds with the NGOs before arriving at a decision on funding the project. Finally, depending on the merits of the project, the amount requested and Sankalp’s ability to fund the project, it either partially or fully funds the project. Since the number of proposals received is well beyond Sankalp’s funding capacity, not all projects are funded. Once a project is funded, Sankalp expects periodic progress reports and budgets from the NGO. Sankalp believes that constant monitoring of the project is required to ensure the proper usage of the funds.

Sankalp is a people-based organization and believes in complete transparency in its operations. Financial statements and minutes of the meetings, as well as the communications with various NGOs are posted on this website. Feel free to contact Sankalp for any further information regarding its operations, projects or any other issue.

^  Sankalp Official Website