San José Department

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Flag Coat of Arms

San José Flag
San José Flag

San José Coat of Arms
San José Coat of Arms
Capital: San José
Area: 4.992 km²
Inhabitants: 103.104 (2004)
Pop. Density: 20.65 inh./km²
Demonym: maragato
(in Spanish)
ISO 3166-2: UY-SJ
Intendant: Juan Chiruchi
(Partido Nacional)
Ruling party: Partido Nacional
Departments of Uruguay: San José

San José Department is a department of Uruguay. Its capital is San José de Mayo.

[edit] Population and Demographics

As of the census of 2004, there were 103,104 people and 33,063 households in the department. The average household size was 3.0. For every 100 females, there were 100.0 males.

  • Population growth rate: 1.083% (2004)
  • Birth Rate: 15.24 births/1,000 people (2004)
  • Death Rate: 9.30 deaths/1,000 people
  • Average age: 32.0 (30.9 Males, 33.2 Females)
  • Life Expectancy at Birth (2004):
total population: 74.97 years
male: 71.73 years
female: 78.34 years
  • Average Family Size: 2.11 children/woman
  • Urban per capita income (cities of 5,000 inhabitants or more): 3,989.4 pesos/month

[edit] Main Urban Centres

(Towns or cities with 1,000 or more inhabitants listed - data from the 2004 census, unless noted otherwise)

City/Town Population
Ciudad del Plata 26,582
Ecilda Paullier 1,976 (1996)
Libertad 8,353 (1996)
Puntas de Valdez 1,036 (1996)
Rodríguez 2,354 (1996)
San José de Mayo 33,351
Santa Mónica 1,298 (1996)

Departments of Uruguay Flag of Uruguay
Artigas | Canelones | Cerro Largo | Colonia | Durazno | Flores | Florida | Lavalleja | Maldonado | Montevideo | Paysandú | Río Negro | Rivera | Rocha | Salto | San José | Soriano | Tacuarembó | Treinta y Tres

Coordinates: 34°21′05″S, 56°43′43″W