
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Okay, after much cajoling from my friends here at Wki ("wiki-wiki-Wiki"), I'll state why I run this Sampir sockpocket the way I do:

There are people here at Wikipedia that Just Don't Get It. The It that they Just Don't Get is that Wikipedia is not a soapbox on which to preach their viewpoints. Whether they just haven't read the policies and philosophies, or they feel that those same policies just don't apply to their Issue, they fuck with the pages.

Hey: this site has been ranked slightly better in accuracy than the motherfucking Britanicca, for chris-sake! That's because of the efforts of the submitters and the administrators...and those of us vigilanties that 'revert' to the way its supposed to be.

Now, yeah, in my 'alter ego' I'll take credit for the entries I've created or heavily influenced, and in some of those cases, I've argued (and argued and argued) as to why something wasn't appropriate for an article. Whether they be Bushbot wingnuts, flaming moonbats, religious cultists or conspiracy nuts ("Watch out! Behind you! I'm serious this time!"), they cannot be swayed from their intent to 'get their message out there' and I do believe they feel vindicated when people engage them in the discussion areas.

Well...I enjoy having them here, too, because of the same power they wield to fuck with legitimate articles can be employed against them..and I feel no need to explain myself. If others have attempted and tried to get them to see why something Just Doesn't Work, and if they're too close-minded to budge even an inch, then I feel more than free to step in...and revert every fucking thing they do.

I feel like the guy who turns on the kitchen lights, to see the roaches scurry. But in my Wki Kitchen, the only way to escape my stomping feet is out the same door they were invited thru, otherwise they're toast. I don't discuss, I don't bargain, I don't explain. That was done by others and the roaches' true colors have shown thru. Nope, these roaches can't bargain with Sampir, and Sampir loves to step on roaches. As Sampir I only 'watch' those pages that are tormented by my pet roaches, and I scan them several times a day. With three clicks for each, every effort they've done...submission by evil reverted back to purity. Sure, they can revert, but the difference is they care about that Issue they're fucking with, and I don't. It costs me a lot less time to revert than it does for them to pervert.

Someday soon my enjoyment may be streamlined, when giglamesh39's script for auto-reverts is completed, but even that will be a good day for me and a bad day for my 'watchlist' roaches.

Call me whatever names you want, I only recognize and only answer (well, never answer, really) to the name Sampir The Reverter!