Samurai (Heroscape)

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The Samurai are part of the Human species in the Heroscape Universe.

Heroscape Race
Affiliation Einar
Species Human
Race Oriental
Homeplanet Earth
Number of Sets 6

[edit] The Samurai

The Samurai in the Heroscape Universe are members of the Human race from Earth. They are fierce warriors well-known for their honor and courage, yet they are highly secretive and will switch their allegiance if the cause inspires them.

Samurai technology is comparable to Earth’s Middle Ages, however some Samurai may have been given magical weapons by the Kyrie.

[edit] Toys

Samurai Sets that have appeared:

The Master Set: Rise of the Valkyire:

  • Izumi Samurai

Samurai Warriors wielding katanas
(Their bio indicates that the Izumi Samurai are difficult to attack and their opponents must make no mistakes The Izumi Samurai are artful masters of the riposte: the lightning-quick, deadly-accurate counterstrike.)

Zanafor’s Discovery:

  • Tagawa Samurai

Samurai Warriors wielding katanas
(Their bio indicates that these disciplined warriors believe that their victims' spirits deserve the highest honor and are united with their own, adding to their collective strength.)

Thora’s Vengeance:

  • Kozuke Samurai

Samurai Warriors wielding katanas
(Nothing is yet known about these Samurai)

Crest of the Valkyrie:

  • Hatamoto Taro

Samurai Standard Bearer
(Nothing is yet know about this Samurai)

Dawn of Darkness:

  • Kaemon Awa

Samurai Shogun welding a katana and bow
(Nothing is yet known about this Samurai)

  • Tagawa Samurai Archers

Samurai Archers armed with bows
(Nothing is yet known about these Samurai)

[edit] External Links

The Official Heroscape Site