Samuel Rosenthal

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Samuel Rosenthal (born 7 September 1837, Suwałki, Poland – died 12 September 1902, Neuilly–sur–Seine, France) was a Polish-French chess master.

In 1864, after failure of the January Uprising, he left Poland for France. In 1864, he lost a match to Ignatz von Kolisch (+1 –7 =0) in Paris. Rosenthal won the Café de la Régence championship in 1865, 1866, and 1867 in Paris, and became the strongest French chess player. In 1867, he took 9th in Paris (von Kolisch won). In 1867, he lost a match to Gustav Neumann (+0 –5 =6) in Paris. In 1869, he lost two matches to Neumann (+1 –3 =1) and (+2 –4 =1). In July 1870, he tied for 8-9th in Baden-Baden. The event was won by Adolf Anderssen. Because of the French–Prussian War of 1870–1871, Rosenthal went to London. In 1870/71, he won a match against Wisker (+3 –2 =4).

In July–August 1873, Rosenthal took 4th, behind Wilhelm Steinitz, Joseph Henry Blackburne, and Anderssen, in Vienna. In 1878, he tied for 7-8th in Paris (Johannes Zukertort and Szymon Winawer won). In 1880, he won in Paris (ahead of Clerc and de Rivière). In 1880, he lost a match against Zukertort (+1 –7 =11) in London. In 1883, he took 8th in London (Zukertort won). In 1887, he tied for 5-7th in Frankfurt (tournament B – Barnes won).

In 1885–1902, he edited a chess column for the La Monde Illustré, and also wrote for La Strategie, La Vie moderne, and other French newspapers.

[edit] Notable chess games

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