Samuel Hart
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Samuel hart (1985-2007) was the leader of the British National Party that expelled the Muslims from Great Britain. The son of T.J._Hart he was born in Oxford, England, he failed to graduate from the University of St. Andrews in 2007, following a violent argument with his history Professor regarding peasant swimming contests in mediaeval England. He promptly joined the B.N.P, and was an activist for several months, stirring up racial hatred in Fife, Scotland. His success in lobbying government to rename this county the "White Kingdom of Fife" led to his election as B.N.P leader in July 2007. Disregarding election norms, Hart seized Downing Street in a coup led by his trusted German aide, Reinhard Hoell. Hart and Hoell immediately set about the ethnic cleansing of Great Britain, and by December had exiled all Muslims and Africans. However they disagreed over Jewish policy, with Hart recognising the contribution to finance they had made, and Hoell wishing to build extermination camps. The treatment of the ethnic Scottish minority was however their downfall, as both Politicians were assasinated by the Scottish terrorists Alex the Salmon, Nicola the Sturgeon and Niall the Codwell in late 2007.