Sami A. Aldeeb

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Sami A. Aldeeb (Abu-Sahlieh) (b. 1949) in Palestine is doctor of law and scholar at the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law, and is a human rights advocate. He is a lawyer of Palestinian origin who has written extensively about genital integrity, and is a supporter of nonviolence.

Much of his writing in various areas is available on his personal website.

He is preparing a new translation of the Koran in French, in chronological order, mentioning the variations and the abrogations, with references to the Jewish and Christian sources.

[edit] Lectures

Dr. Aldeeb was a speaker at the Third International Symposium on Circumcision. He has been a lecturer at the Institute of Canon Law at the University of Human Sciences in Strasbourg, France. He is invited Professor teaching Arab and Islamic law in the Faculties of Law of Aix-en-Provence, France and Palermo, Italy.

[edit] Publications

Some of his books include:

  • Le droit des peuples à disposer d'eux-mêmes, étude analytique de la doctrine marxiste-léniniste et de la position soviétique, polycopié, IUHEI, 1976, 276 pages.
  • L'impact de la religion sur l'ordre juridique, cas de l’Égypte, non-musulmans en pays d'Islam, Éditions universitaires, Fribourg 1979, XVI-405 pages.
  • Discriminations contre les non-juifs tant chrétiens que musulmans en Israël, Pax Christi, Lausanne, Pâques 1992, 36 pages.
  • Les musulmans face aux droits de l'homme: religion & droit & politique, étude et documents, Verlag Dr. Dieter Winkler, P.O.Box 102665, D-44726 Bochum, 1994, 610 pages.
  • Sami Aldeeb et Andrea Bonomi (éd.) : Le droit musulman de la famille et des successions à l’épreuve des ordres juridiques occidentaux, Publications de l’Institut suisse de droit comparé, Schulthess, Zürich, 1999, 353 pages.
  • Male and female circumcision among Jews, Christians and Muslims: religious, medical, social and legal debate, Shangri-La Publications, Warren Center, PA 19951, USA, 2001, 400 pages.
  • Cimetière musulman en Occident: Normes juives, chrétiennes et musulmanes, L'Harmattan, Paris, 2002, 168 pages.

[edit] External links