Samburu language

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Sampur, ɔl Maa
Spoken in: Kenya 
Region: Samburu district of Rift Valley Province
Total speakers: 128,000 (147,000 including the Camus)
Language family: Nilo-Saharan
 Eastern Saharan
  Eastern Nilotic
Language codes
ISO 639-1: none
ISO 639-2: ssa
ISO 639-3: saq

Samburu is the Eastern Nilotic, North Maa language spoken by the Samburu in the highlands of northern Kenya. The Samburu number about 128,000 (or 147,000 including the Camus/Chamus). Samburu is closely related to Camus (88% to 94% lexical similarity; Camus is sometimes considered a Samburu dialect) and to the South Maa language Maasai (77% to 89% lexical similarity). The word Samburu itself derives from the old Maa word 'saamburr' for the leather bag the Samburu use.

[edit] References

  • Rainer Vossen. The Eastern Nilotes: Linguistic and Historical Reconstructions. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag 1982. ISBN 3496006986.

[edit] External links

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