Sam and Twitch

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 Sam and Twitch
Sam and Twitch

Max "Twitch" Williams and Sam Burke are two fictional NYPD homicide Detectives, created by Todd McFarlane. Sam and Twitch were originally featured in McFarlane's hit comic series Spawn. Due to their popularity, they were later given their own title in 1999, called Sam and Twitch. In their self-titled series, the duo were the main protagonists in a dark and gritty New York City, similar in feel to NYPD Blue and possibly served as a precursor to DC Comics' Gotham Central. The fictional universe of Sam and Twitch is somewhat based on the real world, where violent crimes are a norm and costumed heroes, though they exist, are not.


[edit] Sam Burke

Detective Sam Burke is often interpreted as the brawn of the group. Sam is a large, headstrong man with a penchant for foul language and gruff behavior. Sam is usually the one to take "action" against any type of villain they encounter. Though Sam has often been accused of police brutality, the charges have never stuck. In fact, Sam takes great pride in being one of the few honest cops in a precinct he sees as infested with corruption and scandal. Although his style with criminals is rough, and he comes across as boorish to most others he's actually quite compassionate to those in need beneath his rough exterior. He has a real passion for doing the right thing and seeing justice done, even if he has to resort to not so civil means. Sam is very protective of those few he trusts and considers friends, especially his partner Twitch. Twitch's dedication to his work despite the corruption of the Police department is shown to be inspiring to Sam, and he often goes to great lengths to protect Twitch from even their fellow officers whom may mean verbal or physical harm to Sam's highly intelligent diminutive partner.

Despite his down and dirty, cynnical, and hot-tempered personality Sam is essentially a good man with a strong sense of duty and honor. His straight forward ways have often brought the detective duo at odds with even their own fellow police often, but while Twitch is considerably more reasonable than his larger partner and often pokes fun at Sam's fiery temperament and statements, he shows a deep trust and respect for him as well. While Twitch often figures out and solves the duo's various cases and predicaments, Sam is unquestionably the drive and conviction which drives the two through.

While Sam himself begrudgingly admits that Twitch is considerably better at marksmanship and calculated strategies, many often make the mistake of thinking Sam as dumb or all talk but this couldn't be further from the truth. Sam is quite intelligent, and although he isn't a calculating genius or a complex thinker like his partner Sam can actually be extremely insightful of other people. Sam can often see right through deception and get to the bottom of people's actions. There are even some times where he see's truth in things not even Twitch can see. He's also very sharp and is very street wise. Despite being quite overweight, as Sam's passion for his work is matched only by his enormous appetite, Sam is very tough as well and has proven to be quite a fighter. More than a match for many of the criminals they come across in a straight forward fight.

[edit] Twitch Wiliams

Full Name: Maximillion Steven Percival "Twitch" Williams III

In this duo of detectives Twitch is mainly seen as the "brains" of the group. He is the one who usually solves or puts the pieces together in the rare crimes the detectives encounter. A brilliant mathematician who excelled at trigonometry, he has used his knowledge of angles to become an excellent marksman. A shooting prodigy, Twitch makes up for his small size by being able to handle twin pistols, his specialty, with almost machine like accuracy and efficiency. He earned the nickname "Twitch," as Sam once said, "because he doesn't, ever!" He refers to Sam Burke as "sir," as throughout the years Sam has time and time again earned his trust and respect. At the beginning of their story/comic book we find the two employed as a private investigation firm known as "Burke and Williams" however this does not last since the two are called back into duty by their old captain.

Twitch used to be married and has several children, but due his busy schedule with crime cases, his wife eventually divorced him and denies him custody of his kids. This takes a great emotional impact on Twitch, but seemingly does not hinder him from his work. Twitch comes from a family with a proud tradition in law enforcement, his father and siblings all being cops themselves. Despite his reserved and soft spoken mannerism, he is extremely passionate and proud of his job, in some ways more so than Sam. It is because of this that despite his incredible intelligence, the apparent rampant corruption of the Police Department which he works for troubles him greatly. In some ways, Twitch is a little more naive than the street smart and more realistic Sam and has had to deal with many harsh truths. Despite this however, Twitch never loses his resolve to be a good cop even amongst corruption and a city that generally doesn't trust the police. Twitch often makes better relations with people than his partner due to his kinder, more thoughtful way with people.

Twitch has also battled against many super-human foes in his past. Of particular note is OvertKill, a monstrous, mafia-hired cyborg from the Spawn comic series. Despite OvertKill's seemingly bulletproof exterior, Twitch was able to defeat him with a single, well-aimed bullet through OvertKill's ear canal. While Twitch lacks Sam's strong and large body and his tenacity, Twitch makes up for this with calm and collected nerves of steel and immensely quick thinking under pressure. Combined with his marksmanship, he's not one to be reckoned with.

[edit] Publication history

[edit] Spawn

Sam and Twitch were originally introduced in the comic book series Spawn as tertiary characters to the larger storyline of Al Simmons. The duo were at first at odds with Al, both due to Al's questionable methods and personality and Al's own distrust of the police. Eventually however, they had come to form a mutual respect and Al often sought help from the two..seeing them as two of the only people, cops no less that he could actually trust. Even after the detectives own spinoff series had started the two often made appearances in Spawn afterwards still.

[edit] Sam and Twitch

Due to issues with publishing, Sam and Twitch was not always released in a timely manner. This affected sales and its reader base, leaving it with only a few die hard fans. The series was subsequently cancelled in 2003 with only 26 issues after a four year run. The last story arc finished with as high as four months in between issues.

The character Spawn makes a small cameo appearance in Sam and Twitch and requests the duo's help. Sam and Twitch say that they are preoccupied and brush him off.

Among the early writers of Sam and Twitch was Brian Michael Bendis.

The series has been collected as these graphic novels:

  • Sam and Twitch Book One: Udaku TPB - collects #1-8 in black & white (Image Comics, 2000, 192 pages, ISBN 1-58240-176-4)
  • Sam and Twitch: The Brian Michael Bendis Collection Volume 1 TPB - collects #1-9 (Image Comics, 2006, 224 pages, ISBN 1-58240-583-2)

[edit] Case Files: Sam & Twitch

The first issue of Case Files was released in June 2003, a few months before the November cancellation of the original Sam and Twitch series. Whereas the original series was concurrent with the duo's appearances in Spawn, the continuity of Case Files starts much later in their lives and revisits one of their old nemesis.

[edit] Current Status

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

In the recently released Spawn #161, the Rapture occurs as the forces of Heaven and Hell fight their final war. The devastation of the entire world is astronomical. Sadly, Sam and Twitch, along with the rest of humanity, are seen dying at the hands of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Sam is one of many who fall victim to the Horseman "Famine". Looking ready to fight the towering beast, he is overcome by an insatiable hunger he can never satisfy no matter how much he eats. Constantly trying to eat, Sam is overcome by Famine's power and is forced to starve to death despite being amongst lots of food. Twitch, now alone, apparently shelters his family and makes one last daring stand to protect them from the corrupted and malformed army of the horseman "War". This army, made up of corrupted human beings, is endless and despite valiant efforts...Twitch and presumably his family are overcome and killed. This issue's segment of Twitch's Case file depicts an empty, blood stained notepad and Twitch's glasses broken and twisted.

Giving fan favorites Sam and Twitch such a relatively unglorious, one page death each has gotten some negative response by critics whom feel their deaths, and the Apocalypse story in general are too rushed. Yet Sam and Twitch both returned when Spawn recreated the world, though they still remember the horrible events that occurred that night.

Spoilers end here.

[edit] Other notable characters

Dr. K.C. McRory: Dubbed "Dr. Death" by the detectives, Dr. McRory is in charge of the crime scene investigation department at the precinct. McRory is seen as a sharp-tongued and strong female character throughout the series. Becomes easily irate at Sam for his sloppy manners and messy personality but seems to get along quite well with Twitch.

[edit] Appearances in other media

  • In the HBO miniseries Todd McFarlane's Spawn, Sam was voiced by James Keane and Twitch was voiced by Michael McShane.
  • In the 1997 live-action film, two detectives resembling Sam and Twitch arrest Jason Wynn towards the end of the film.
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