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A model of a Salyut 7 space station, with a Soyuz space craft docked at each end. The display is in front of one of the pavilions of the Exhibition of Soviet National Economic Achievement
A model of a Salyut 7 space station, with a Soyuz space craft docked at each end. The display is in front of one of the pavilions of the Exhibition of Soviet National Economic Achievement

The Salyut (Russian: Салют, Salute or Firework) program was a series of space stations launched by the Soviet Union in the 1970s. The Salyuts were all relatively simple structures consisting of a single main module placed into orbit in a single launch. The program was originally designated the DOS 7-K program, with each Salyut station receiving a designation.

Salyut insignia
Salyut insignia


[edit] Salyut 1

Salyut 1 with docked Soyuz 10 spacecraft
Salyut 1 with docked Soyuz 10 spacecraft
Main article: Salyut 1

Salyut 1 (DOS 1) was launched April 19, 1971. It was the first space station ever orbited. Its first crew launched in Soyuz 10 but were unable to board it due to a failure in the docking mechanism; its second crew launched in Soyuz 11 and remained on board for 23 productive days. Unfortunately, a pressure-equalization valve in the Soyuz 11 reentry capsule opened prematurely when the crew returned to Earth, killing all three. Salyut 1 reentered Earth's atmosphere October 11, 1971.

[edit] Salyut 2

Almaz station assembly
Almaz station assembly
Main article: Salyut 2

Salyut 2 was launched April 3, 1973. It was not really a part of the same program as the other Salyut stations, instead being the highly classified prototype military space station Almaz. It was given the designation Salyut 2 to conceal its true nature. Despite its successful launch, within two days the as-yet-unmanned Salyut 2 began losing pressure and its flight control failed; the cause of the failure was likely due to shrapnel piercing the station when the discarded Proton rocket upper stage that had placed it in orbit later exploded nearby.

[edit] Cosmos 557

The Salyut space station that Almaz had substituted for, designated DOS 3, was launched on May 11, 1973, three days before the launch of Skylab. Due to errors in the flight control system while out of the range of ground control, the station fired its orbit-correction engines until it consumed all of its fuel. Since the spacecraft was already in orbit and had been registered by Western radar, the Soviets disguised the launch as "Cosmos 557" and quietly allowed it to reenter Earth's atmosphere and burn up a week later. It was revealed to have been a Salyut station only much later.

[edit] Salyut 3

Salyut 3
Salyut 3
Main article: Salyut 3

Salyut 3 was launched on June 25, 1974. It was another Almaz military space station, this one launched successfully. It tested a wide variety of reconnaissance sensors, returning a canister of film for analysis. On January 24, 1975 trials of the on-board 23 mm Nudelmann aircraft cannon (other sources say it was a Nudelmann NR-30 30 mm gun) were conducted with positive results at ranges from 3000 m to 500 m. Cosmonauts have confirmed that a target satellite was destroyed in the test. The next day, the station was ordered to deorbit. Only one of the three intended crews successfully boarded and manned the station, brought by Soyuz 14; Soyuz 15 attempted to bring a second crew but failed to dock. Nevertheless, Salyut 3 was an overall success.

[edit] Salyut 4

Salyut 4
Salyut 4
Main article: Salyut 4

Salyut 4 (DOS 4) was launched on December 26, 1974. It was essentially a copy of the DOS 3, and unlike its ill-fated sibling it was a complete success. Three crews made stays aboard Salyut 4 (Soyuz 17, Soyuz 18 and Soyuz 21), including one of 63 days duration, and an unmanned Soyuz capsule remained docked to the station for three months, proving the systems' long-term durability. Salyut 4 was deorbited February 3, 1977.

[edit] Salyut 5

Salyut 5
Salyut 5
Main article: Salyut 5

Salyut 5 was launched on June 22, 1976. It was the third and last Almaz military space station. Its launch and subsequent mission were both completed successfully, with three crews launching and two (Soyuz 21 and Soyuz 24) successfully boarding the craft for lengthy stays (the second crew on Soyuz 23 was unable to dock and had to abort). Salyut 5 reentered on August 8, 1977. Following Salyut 5 the Soviet Military decided that the tactical advantages were not worth the expense of the programme and withdrew. The focus for the later missions was research and propaganda.

[edit] Salyut 6

Salyut 6 space station with two docked spacecrafts
Salyut 6 space station with two docked spacecrafts
Main article: Salyut 6

Salyut 6 was launched on September 29, 1977. Although it resembled the previous Salyut stations in overall design, it featured several revolutionary advances including a second docking port where an unmanned Progress cargo spacecraft could dock and refuel the station. From 1977 until 1982 Salyut 6 was visited by five long-duration crews and 11 short-term crews, including cosmonauts from Warsaw Pact countries. The very first long-duration crew on Salyut 6 broke a record set on board Skylab, staying 96 days in orbit. The longest flight on board Salyut 6 lasted 185 days. The fourth Salyut 6 expedition deployed a 10-meter radio-telescope antenna delivered by a cargo ship. After Salyut 6 manned operations were discontinued in 1981, a heavy unmanned spacecraft called TKS and developed using hardware left from the canceled Almaz program was docked to the station as a hardware test. Salyut 6 was deorbited July 29, 1982.

[edit] Salyut 7

Salyut 7 space station
Salyut 7 space station
Main article: Salyut 7

Salyut 7 was launched on April 19, 1982. It was the back-up vehicle for Salyut 6 and very similar in equipment and capabilities, though several more advanced features were included. It was aloft for four years and two months, during which time it was visited by 10 crews constituting 6 main expeditions and 4 secondary flights (including French and Indian cosmonauts). Aside from the many experiments and observations made on Salyut 7, the station also tested the docking and use of large modules with an orbiting space station. The modules were called "Heavy Cosmos modules." They helped engineers develop technology necessary to build Mir. Salyut 7 deorbited on February 7, 1991.

[edit] Data table

Launched Reentered Days in
Total crew
and visitors
Salyut 1 April 19, 1971
01:40:00 UTC
October 11, 1971
00:00:00 UTC
175 24 3 2 0 18,425
Salyut 2 April 4, 1973
09:00:00 UTC
May 28, 1973
00:00:00 UTC
54 0 0 0 0 18,500
Cosmos 557 May 11, 1973
00:20:00 UTC
May 22, 1973
00:00:00 UTC
11 0 0 0 0 19,400
Salyut 3 June 25, 1974
22:38:00 UTC
January 24, 1975
00:00:00 UTC
213 15 2 1 0 18,500
Salyut 4 December 26, 1974
04:15:00 UTC
February 3, 1977
00:00:00 UTC
770 92 4 2 1 18,500
Salyut 5 June 22, 1976
18:04:00 UTC
August 8, 1977
00:00:00 UTC
412 67 4 2 0 19,000
Salyut 6 September 29, 1977
06:50:00 UTC
July 29, 1982
00:00:00 UTC
1,764 683 33 16 14 19,000
Salyut 7 April 19, 1982
19:45:00 UTC
February 7, 1991
00:00:00 UTC
3,216 816 26 12 15 19,000

Salyut Program Salyut Insignia
Salyut 1 | Salyut 4 | Salyut 6 | Salyut 7
Almaz Program
Salyut 2 | Salyut 3 | Salyut 5

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

 v  d  e 
Soviet (to 1991) and Russian government manned space programs
Active: Soyuz | ISS (joint)
In Development: Kliper
Past: Vostok | Voskhod | Salyut | Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (joint) | Mir
Cancelled: Zond (lunar Soyuz 7K-L1) | N1-L3 | Spiral | Almaz (incorporated into Salyut program) / TKS spacecraft | Energia / Buran