Saison (ale)

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Saison is the name given to pale ales brewed in Wallonia, the French-speaking region of Belgium. Saisons are considered to be a farmhouse ale, because saisons were originally brewed in farmhouses for farm workers who were entitled to up to five liters throughout the workday during harvest season. Saisons are generally bottle conditioned ales, with an average alcohol by volume range of 5 to 8%.

Although saison has been described as an endangered style, there has been a worldwide rise in interest in this style in recent years, with Saison Dupont actually being named “the Best Beer in the World” by the magazine Men’s Journal in July 2005.

What truly makes saisons unique is the fermentation which is closer to a red wine fermentation. Taking place at temperatures upwards of 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32 degrees Celsius), these ales are incredibly phenolic; peppery, floral, often remeniscent of the spice found in a bordeaux wine.


[edit] Origin

“Saison” is the French word for season, because these ales were traditionally brewed in the autumn or winter for consumption during the late summer harvest, however, today they are brewed year round. As the saison style originated before the advent of refrigeration, Belgian brewers had to brew in autumn or winter to prevent the ale from spoiling during the brewing process. After brewing, the ale was stored until the late summer harvest. Although now most commercial examples range from 5 to 8% abv, originally saisons were meant to be refreshing and thus had alcohol levels less than 3%. Because of the lack of potable water, saisons would give the farm hands the hydration they needed without the threat of illness.

The ale had to be strong to prevent spoilage during the long storage, but at the same time could not be so strong as to incapacitate the workers. Additionally, these beers were strongly hopped, as hops act as a preservative. Saisons brewed in early Spring would often be blended with saisons brewed the previous Autumn, or even blended with lambic beers to increase the refreshing acidity of these beers. Blending also occurred to reduce the abv, and thus increase its refreshment value.

[edit] Flavor

The flavor of saisons have a tendency to vary greatly from one another as these ales were independently developed, with each farmhouse using the ingredients that were readily available. That being said, saisons are yeasty, hoppy and always well balanced.

Saisons have a spicy, herbal, earthy hoppy bite from the generous amounts of traditional noble hop varieties, including kent goldings, styrian goldings and hallertau. The yeast flavors add an unmistakable Belgian touch to these ales, and add a complex smoothness. Although saisons are almost always dry, they can also be winey and tart such as is the case with Saison Fantôme.

[edit] Appearance

The type of malt determines the color of the saison, and although most saisons are of a cloudy golden color as result of the grist being mostly pale and/or pilsner malt, the use of darker malts results in a some saisons being reddish-amber. Some recipes use wheat, and though the use of spices is uncommon, it is not unheard of.

[edit] Major Belgian saison brands

  • Brasserie Dupont, Saison Dupont
  • Brasserie Fantôme, Saison Fantôme
  • Brasserie Lefèbvre, Saison 1900
  • Brasserie Du Bocq, Saison Regal
  • Brasserie de Silly, Saison Silly
  • Brasserie à Vapeur, Saison De Pipaix
  • Brasserie Des Géants, Saison Voisin

[edit] Saison in the US

The following breweries are reported to brew a US version of saison:

Lakefront Brewery, Milwaukee WI

[edit] Resources

  • All About Beer Magazine, Volume 24 Number 4, September 2003
  • The Beers of Wallonia by John Woods and Keith Rigley
  • Farmhouse Ales: Culture and Craftsmanship in the European Tradition by Phil Markowski