Saint Mary of the Angels

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Image:B'ham coat of arms.gif
Birmingham Archdiocese Coat of Arms

Saint Mary of the Angels is a Roman Catholic Church, part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham and is situated on Whetstone Lane in Aldridge (Walsall).


[edit] General Information

Parish Priest: Very Rev. Canon Gerard Hanlon
Deacon: Rev. John Higgins
Mass times:
Sunday: 10.00am.
Vigil Mass: 6.00pm.
Holydays: 9.45am & 7.30pm

[edit] Clergy

Parish Priest: Very Reverend Canon Gerald Hanlon
Gerald Hanlon was born on 24th May 1941. He was ordained a priest 18th March 1967, and he became a Canon in 1993.
Prevois Parishes:
Headington 1967-1970
Stourbridge 1970-1975
Holy Family Coventry 1975-1981
SS Elizabeth & Helen Coventry 1981-1995
Wooton Wawen 1995-1999
Saint Marys of the Angels 1999-Present

Permanent Deacon: Reverend John Higgins
John Higgins was Ordained a Permanent Deacon 25th June 1995.

[edit] History

The church was built in 1961. The foundation stone was laid by Archbishop Grimshaw on 13th July 1961.

[edit] Contact
