Saint Conal

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Saint Conal
Born 5th century, Ireland
Died c. 500, Ireland
Venerated in Roman Catholicism
Major shrine Drumconnell
Feast 18 March
Saints Portal

Saint Conal (or Conall) was an Irish bishop who flourished in the second half of the fifth century and ruled over the church of Drum, County Roscommon, the place being subsequently named Drumconnell, after St. Conal.

Some historians have inaccurately located his church at Kilconnell in County Galway, but is is now certain that the church of which St. Conal was bishop was south of Boyle, the saint being known as "Blessed Conal of Drum". The error of ascribing Kilconnell and Aughrim, County Galway, as foundations of St. Conal can also be dissipated by a reference to the life of St. Attracta, wherein it is recorded that she came to the neighbourhood of Boyle in order to build a cell near the church of her brother, St. Conal, but was dissuaded from her project by St. Dachonna of Eas Dachonna, now Assylin, at the bidding of the saint.

St. Attracta is said to have prophesied that the episcopal churches of St. Conal (Drumconnell) and St. Dachonna (Eas Dachonna) would be reduced to poverty, owing to the fame of a new monastic establishment. This prophecy was strikingly fulfilled, inasmuch as Drum and Assylin soon after ceased to be episcopal sees, while in 1148 the great Cistercian Abbey of Boyle was founded.

St. Conal died about the year 500, and his feast is celebrated on 18 March, though some assign 9 February as the date.

This article incorporates text from the public-domain Catholic Encyclopedia of 1913.