Sahaj Marg Philosophy
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This is an article on the philosophy of Sahaj Marg. An article on the practise of Sahaj Marg can be found here
The Sahaj Marg (or "Natural Path") system of meditation is advocated by several teachers, notably Chariji - the current president and spiritual head of the Shri Ram Chandra Mission, headquartered in Chennai, India. Adherents claim that the practise is a modified form of traditional Raja Yoga, and that its philosophy draws on many sources, primarily Sufism, Hinduism, and Yoga. Kindly note that none of the practices of Sahaj Marg can be traced to the teachings of Patanjali, as claimed. (Refer to complete works of Vivekanada and his speech on teachings of Patanjali, Vol-1 Raja Yoga Chapter-2). On the philosophy of Sahaj Marg, in a speech on New Year's Day, 2005 at Babuji Memorial Ashram, Manapakkam, India, according to Chariji, there is no room for philosophy in speeches of Sahaj Marg. In fact, he stated, "Sahaj Marg has no philosophy. It does not rest on any philosophy. It is neither advaita nor dvaita nor vishishta advaita." (From Speech by Shri Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari -Jan 1, 2005 at Babuji Memorial Ashram, Manapakkam, India- see references).
In fact, the founder of the Shri Ram Chandra Mission and originator of Sahaj Marg, Shri Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur (affectionately known as Babuji) wrote a book entitled "SAHAJ MARG PHILOSOPHY", first published by the Shri Ram Chandra Mission, Shahjahanpur in 1969.
The succession of Chari as President/Successor is disputed by the Circular of the Working Committee, Centre-in-Charge/Preceptors/Organisers of Shri Ram Chandra Mission in India and Abroad, dated 15th Febeuary, 1984, which proclaimed Shri Umesh Chandra Saxena (Babuji's son) as Successor/President.
(See references-Circular, Working Committee, Centre-in-Charge/Preceptors/Organisers of Shri Ram Chandra Mission in India & Abroad, 15th February, 1984, Shahjahanpur, U.P., India.)
This followed the Meeting of the Working Committee of the Shri Ram Chandra Mission on 6/7th February, 1984, at Shahjahanpur, U.P., India, and the Meeting of the General Body of the Shri Ram Chandra Mission, held on 8th February, 1984, at Shahjahanpur, U.P., India, with 982 members present, and the reading of the authenticated Will and wishes of Shri Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur (affectionately known as Babuji), founder of the Shri Ram Chandra Mission and originator of Sahaj Marg.
(See references- Minutes of the Working Committee of SRCM, 6/7th February, 1984, Shahjanpur, U.P., India.) (See also Minutes of General Body of SRCM, 8th February, 1984, Shahjahanpur, U.P., India.)
Following the death of Shri Umesh Chandra Saxena in 2003, Shri Navneet Kumar (Babuji's grandson)was elected as the President of the Shri Ram Chandra Mission by the Elected Body.
(See "Tell Me Truth India" - "The Law of U.P. [Uttar Pradesh] Society Act changed in 1984 to election".)
Chari himself has frequently said that he was not a "Master" and has requested that others stop calling him such or referring to him in this way. In spite of this, his followers and the SRCMtm official sites persist in disobeying his wishes.
(See the recorded speeches of Shri Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari, Seminars U.K. & Europe, mid-late 1980's)
See "Heart to Heart - Vol. l" by |P. Rajagopalachari. (Pages 270-280. "Who is a Master?") lst Edition 1988 - Published by Shri Ram Chandra Mission, Pacific Grove, CA, USA.
"But some people persist in addressing me as " Master". I have been annoyed by this practice myself..I have never claimed to be a Master..It is unfortunate that some people..are addressing me by that term.
"So in fact, the purpose of my talk is to rquest all of you to stop addressing me as Master."
Contents |
[edit] The Goal
The stated goal of the Sahaj Marg (or "Natural Path") system of meditation is "complete oneness with God, or the Ultimate."[1] At SRCMtm God is allegedly present in form of Master and its adherents are expected to become one with the Master who, they claim, is of divine essence and is considered to be divine. (Current Master is Chariji who is a retired mill manager)
Chari has repeatedly requested that people stop calling him "Master" or referring to him as such. However, some of his followers presist in disobeying his requests.
In his "Heart to Heart - Vol. l" by P. Rajagopalachari. Pages 270-280. 1st Edition 1988 - published by Shri Ram Chandra Mission, Pacific Grove, CA, USA.
"But some people persist in addressing me as "Master". I have been annoyed by this practice myself..I have never claimed to be a is unfortunate that some people..are addressing me by that term."
"So in fact, the purpose of my talk is to request all of you to stop addressing me as Master."
[edit] The Brighter World
Also referred to as[citation needed]Brahmaloka. (see discussion page) This is the concept of a higher plane of existence upon which liberated souls reside.[2] Lalaji, Babuji, Swami Vivekananda, the Buddha and Jesus Christ reside there, among others, according to Sahaj Marg literature.[3]
As per ancient Hindu belief there are many "loka" (places where there is life in any form) like Patalloka GandharvLoka and Bramhaloka, The concept of heaven is simply joy's of this world minus its miseries, Since Hindu’s have understood this fact, that there cannot be joy without misery, hence the concept of heaven was proposed which is present in all religions of this world.
Brahmaloka is allegedly a place where there is no separate identity of any being, this is supposed to be the place where there is only one soul which is present in the form of lord Vishnu. This concept of SRCM is hypothetical in nature and is generally misleading, i.e. that in Brahmaloka any individual soul can reside in the form they were present on this earth. This concept itself deviates from the original view of Brahmaloka according to Hindu philosophy, and which can be used to manipulate the public. (For reference kindly see Complete Works of Swami Vivekanda Vol-2 Chapter- Cosmos)...(See discussion page for further research sites on Brahmaloka)
[edit] Samskaras
These are the grossness of attachment, desire, and fear, which separate human beings from their divine nature. They are seen to be the root cause of all experiences, including both suffering and joy. Fundamental to the philosophy of Sahaj Marg is the concept of cleaning, whereby samskaras are removed, facilitating spiritual progress.[citation needed]
This concept which is used in SRCMtm is the most misleading and this is what causes its adherents to become, according to some, more and more ignorant and negligent of their family and societal responsibilities. If we try and understand the premise, the theory of karma, we will come to the conclusion that it is not possible for one not to pay for his/her deeds, this is the basic law of nature (action and reaction) and this is what is explained in detail in Karma Yoga, according to Karma Yoga, all good deeds will bring results in the form of bliss and joy and all bad deeds will return in the form of pain. And, the theory goes, no-one can save him/herself from the effects of their karma. According to this concept if a person has done some good and though living isolated in a forest, he/she will experience pleasure, and if a person has done bad, he will undergo pain, there is no escaping from this law, if a person causes pain to anyone it will ultimately come back, all actions, thoughts deeds and view’s ultimately return back to the originator, this is the law of nature, and no-one can remain unaffected by his/her actions. (Ref:- Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda Vol-1 Karma Yoga )
In case of SRCM we find that it is claimed that the effects of one’s deeds can be erased, which is in contradiction to the law of Karma, whereas all the enlightened personalities of the past like Swami Vivekananda Gautama Buddha, Lord Krishan have all said that one cannot escape from one's deeds. (see References)
[edit] Teachings from the Sahaj Marg material
Its adherents see it as a natural, simple heart-based approach to realizing the presence of the divine within their lives. The Shri Ram Chandra Mission is the main proponent of the Sahaj Marg system.
Sahaj Marg is a remodeled and modified version of Raja Yoga (yoga of the mind) simplified to suit and help the man of present-day world to achieve the same inner perfection as the Master, which according to Sahah Marg is a synonym for God Realization. It is a non-renunciate form of Raja Yoga, the 'renunciation' (renouncing the material world) of Raja Yoga having been replaced by 'detachment' (detachment from the material world) and attachment to the Divine. Adherents will note that the "austerities" (tapas) and the Yamas with regards to the "non-receiving of any gifts" as described by Swami Vivekananda are not part of Sahaj Marg. (Complete works of Swami Vivekananda-see references)
The Mind is the key instrument in a human being and by proper regulation of mind through meditation under practical guidance and support of a spiritual Master, who erases one's samskaras (imprints on the soul by our past thoughts or actions), one can evolve to the highest that the Master has attained. The Master transmits to the disciple directly or through a preceptor that the disciple sees once a week in a private sitting. There is also one or two group sittings and reading of Master's material every week. There is a suggested daily practice which involves a daily meditation, a daily cleansing, a weekly private sitting with a preceptor, and one or two group sittings per week. There are gatherings on the birthdays of the Masters. Some abhyasis organize discussions of the guru's writings. Reading of the Master's writings is suggested. Vegetarianism is encouraged.
Sahaj Marg claims to be a non-monastic movement. Those who adhere to the practices are referred to as 'abhyasis'; a preceptor is an abhyasi who has been prepared and permitted by the Master to introduce people to the Sahaj Marg system and conduct group meditation. Sahaj Marg says that adherents of all religions are welcome, and do not have to reject their religion to practice Sahaj Marg.
The practice of Sahaj Marg is free of charge and there are three meditations together with a trained preceptor for the starting of the practice.
There are no physical impedments to leaving the practice.
[edit] On other religions
On other religions- Sahaj Marg claims to "erase Samskaras" (imprint on the soul). The current Master, Chariji, stated that abhyasis were lucky. If they were in religion, he said, they would have to go to church and "you know", tell lies in that "wonderful place called the confessional". “Lord, forgive me for what I have done this week.” And there would be an equally sinful priest on the other side of the curtain saying, “In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I absolve you of your sins.” Something that according to Chariji, he has no power to do. No man on earth has power, he states, to absolve you of your sins except two people: one, oneself, and the other, God. In between there is nobody who can do it, he stated. Then he added, that is why religion is useless, that is why religion has failed. That’s why, the Master stated, the abhyasis are all there, not in church. (Speech, (Reverence, Respect & Restraint), Denmark, Nov. 2005, see references)
...and later:
Chariji stated that he was no Christ, ("you know"), to crucify himself on the cross for all of them. Did they think Christ was a wise man, he asked, that he (Christ) became crucified so that forever and ever after humanity would be absolved of its sins? "I don’t think so", he said. It gave people more license for indulgence. But after all, he said, they have been forgiven two thousand years ago for what they are going to do today, what their children were going to do ten years hence. He said that he did not think he (Christ) was wise. According to Chariji, he (Christ)left no room, no incentive for human beings to change, become moral, become spiritual. He said that they were all happy that they had a Christ who got crucified. He added that none of us weep for Christ and that we were happy. “God bless him,” we say, which is another blasphemy. He then said that the abhyasis need blessings, not Christ. (Speech, (Reverence, Respect & Restraint), Denmark, Nov. 2005, see references)
At a preceptors' seminar in January, 2001, Chariji stated:
"In the Indian scene, the Hindus and Hinduism is corrupt. God is personified as somebody who can be bribed with gifts, with so called prasads - offering temptation of Heaven which fact Babuji emphasized in His teachings, saying that religions depends on two instruments - temptation and fear."
"I am afraid that Sahaj Marg is suffering in this way because even when Christian people become abhyasis and preceptors, they somehow, somewhere along the way seem to lose this idea of love, charity, compassion, faith and become preceptors. So what Spirituality offers and can deliver, our priesthood, I would categorize you as, say temporarily as priesthood - they destroy." (Speech, Preceptor's Seminar, Jan. 2001-See references)
Written in the Sahaj Marg material: Abhyasi's question:"..... "Why do I have to give up my existing religious practices....."
Master's answer: "All religious practice involve the worship of God as being outside us. It is called Bahya Upachara in Sanskrit. Spirituality puts God where HE really is - inside the human heart, and indeed at the heart of every created thing, as Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita. One cannot mix the two. In the Vedas Murthy Pooja is called the lowest form of worship. Mantra is only a way of pleasing the mind, and bhajans please the senses, while giving the illusion of being a form of worship. I trust that this will be satisfactory. If people have more questions, they should be encouraged to read the Gita slowly, and try to understand it. Love to all." (Sahaj Sandesh No.: 2005.31- See references)
According to the teaching of this system, God is simple, and therefore, the way to reach Him must be simple. On the Nature of the Divine, when asked why in all the written material, God was referred to as "Him", Chariji replied: "God is Male, Nature is female." (SMRTI-Youth Services-Story Telling-See references)
[edit] On chosing a master
On choosing a guru, Chariji in his book: Heart of the Lion, states:
"....So I repeat, the Guru is the only friend. In fact, I have said this so often, that in the Sufi philosophy, the Guru is called Friend. "The Friend is coming". Because he is the only fellow who can give his life for you. He is the only fellow, therefore, to whom you must hand over totally, a Power of Attorney....."Do with me as you think I deserve to be done with. Kick me when I have to be kicked. Beat me when I have to be beaten. Curse me when I have to be cursed. But make of me what you think I should be eventually, because only you can do it."
"So once more I say this in all humility....if you must have a Master, find a fellow who is capable of, you know, throwing you around, beating you up, cutting you to pieces. Remember Parushurama's father and the stern test that young boy had to make for obedience...."Kill your Mother". "Yes"..."
"He pulled out the sword and cut off her head. He said, "I am pleased with you my son. Ask for anything you want." He said, "I want my mother alive." And He said, "So be it." and she got up and walked off. The Guru is the Master, when you say of destiny, it means life and death. He must be the Master of your life as he must be the Master of your death." (From Heart of the Lion, Shri Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari-see references)
Chariji has repeatedly requested that people stop calling him "Master" or referring to him as such.
In his "Heart to Heart - Vol.l" by P. Rajagopalachari. (Pages 270-280 "Who is a Master?"). lst Edition 1988 - Published by Shri Ram Chandra Mission, Pacific Grove, CA, USA.
"But some people persist in addressing me as "Master". I have been annoyed by this practice myself..I have never claimed to be a Master...It is unfortunate that some people...are addressing me by that term."
"So in fact, the purpose of my talk is to request all of you to stop addressing me as Master."
In spite of this , many of his followers apparently persist in disobeying his wishes.
[edit] On freedom
On freedom, in Salient Points of Sahaj Marg, it states that with Sahaj Marg, abhyasis have voluntarily, whole-heartedly and devotedly surrendered it to the Master of their Soul. To those who are fortunate enough to arrive at this stage, the Master is apparently no longer a guide for spirituality alone. He has now become the Master of the abhyasis' life in all it's aspects of existence. He apparently has become the father, the mother, the son, the teacher, the doctor, in fact, there is no role that He does not play in the abhyasi's life. He has taken total charge of the abhyasi. It further states that only the surrendering to Him can bring about a state where He can take total charge of the abhyasis! (From Salient Features of Sahaj Marg - Series 2- Page 26 See references)
[edit] On homosexuality
On homosexuality, the Master of this system in a recent speech said that unlike the churches of the world, Sahaj Marg does not perform same-sex marriages. "That is unnatural", he said. God did not intend it to be thus, he added. He then said it was a personal comment. But there are things credited to Babuji Maharaj “If God did not want two sexes, he could have as well created one and seen that the world propagated by itself."...Why two sexes? he questioned. Apparently not so that one sex should marry among themselves, according to Sahaj Marg Masters. "So, what the church may allow, I don’t have to condone or accept", he said, not mentionning what churches condones or performs same-sex marriages. "To me", Chariji said, "it is a very blatant misuse of so-called privileges of the human being, fundamental rights, et cetera. Of course, if you claim it is your fundamental right to go the dogs, so be it! Even God cannot stop it. Speech by Chariji "Balance-The Crux of Life" Jan 20, 2006 in Malaysia
Some claim it is a fact (unsubstantiated) that there are followers, both abhyasis and preceptors who are homosexual.[citation needed] There are other claims that gay families have been broken up or have left. (see testimonial on discussion page)[citation needed]
[edit] On philosophy
On the philosophy of Sahaj Marg, in a speech on New Year's Day, 2005 at Babuji Memorial Ashram, Manapakkam, India, according to Chariji, there is no room for philosophy in speeches of Sahaj Marg. In fact, he stated, "Sahaj Marg has no philosophy. It does not rest on any philosophy. It is neither advaita nor dvaita nor vishishta advaita." (From Speech by Shri Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari -Jan 1, 2005 at Babuji Memorial Ashram, Manapakkam, India- see references)
On the other hand, the founder of the Shri Ram Chandra Mission and originator of Sahaj Marg, Shri Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur, affectionately known as "Babuji", wrote the book: "SAHAJ MARG PHILOSOPHY", first published by the Shri Ram Chandra Mission, Shahjahanpur, in 1969.
[edit] Be like lions
Be like lions: Sahaj Marg wants the abhyasis to be like lions:
The abhyasi is asked to look within. Look to the Heart. Build your heart, they are told. Make it brave, make it strong, make it courageous. They are asked to be lions, as Babuji wanted, he exhorts. He said: "One lion is worth more that five hundred sheep." It is not that we do not accept sheep but we accept sheep who are willing to become lions, not sheep who want to stay on as sheep.......And what was but a shepherd's pen has now become the jungle in which the lions roam freely. This is what Sahaj Marg is setting out to achieve, according to Babuji. ".....He wanted our hearts to be like lions - brave, courageous, capable of discrimination, able to give up everything for the sake of the Master." (From Salient Points of Sahaj Marg, Series 2-Page 21 see references)
[edit] On idolatry
On idolatry, the Sahaj Marg material states:
"Sahaj Marg has nowhere said temple worship is wrong, nor does Master expressly forbid idol worship" ....To abhyasis, the preceptor, apparently, becomes such an idol. The author states: "I believe that any abhyasi who says, "my preceptor" when talking about the preceptor who is serving him has fallen into this form of idol worship." I seems there is concern that the preceptor can be transformed into an idol, or idolised. The author follows: "Here again the Master may be in the background, but is that Master's rightful place?"
"So Master's message is quite clear. All credit goes to our Master. When we give credit where it is not due, that too is a form of idol worship. We should beware of falling into such errors......." ("Salient Features of Sahaj Marg" (SMRI Series 3) Page 52-53 see references)
[edit] On donations
On donations, the abhyasis is to think that it is their Mission, it is their Master, it is His plant, therefore, it is theirs, then, apparently, there is no sacrifice, there is no giving. The abhyasis are only watering their own plant. Who should they credit for it, is the question asked by the Master.
To think that the Master depends on the abhyasis' donation could very possibly be a sin, according to the Master. Masters exist in a dimension where money does not play a part. Whenever the Master makes the abhyasis donate something, he apparently does so as to lighten their burdens. Their contribution to the Master's work is apparently of the same proportion as the squirrel's contribution to Lord Rama's work. (from Salient Points of Sahaj Marg Series 3- Page 25 See references)
According to SRCM, Shahjahanpur, registered in India, statement above is nowhere contained in the original tenets or philosophy of Sahaj Marg, Shahjahanpur, nor in those of the original Shri Ram Chandra Mission. Nor can it be considered to be in any way in the spirit of the Mission nor that of its Founder, Shri Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur (Babuji), nor that of his Master, Shri Ram Chandra of Fategarh (Lalaji).
(see references- under "Donations"
[edit] On democracy
On democracy, the current Master, Chariji stated that until there are no walls, one cannot say, "We're a free people," because, according to Chariji, we are only selecting the people we will accept. According to him, democracy is like a club, a select club, a rich man's club, a club of power. According to Chariji, because any organisation, including a democracy, has the power of accepting or rejecting, we can't say it is a free organisation? "Yes or no?" he asked. "No", he replied.
Chariji claimed that Sahaj Marg has no such restriction. Everybody, from anywhere in the world is welcome. According to Chariji, everybody can come, everybody can go. Apparently, there are no restrictions. There are no fees. There are no restriction of education. "Is it a free organisation?", he asked. "Is it human? Is it the real democracy of a free people, for a free people, by a free people? Yes or no?" (Audience: "Yes.")"
Then Chari stated: "So Sahaj Marg is today, in my opinion, the only organisation in this world fulfilling the requirements of this definition of "Liberté, egalité, fraternité" [Freedom, equality, fraternity]. Vive le Sahaj Marg! [Long live Sahaj Marg!] (applause)." (from Shri P. Rajagopalachari at Cossonay, Switzerland on July 13, 2003-see references)
Chariji has repeatedly requested that people stop calling him "Master" or referring to him as such, See "Heart to Heart - Vol.l" by P. Rajagopalachari, pages 270-280. Published 1988 by Shri Ram Chandra Mission, Pacific Grove, CA.
"But some people persist in addressing me as "Master". I have been annoyed by this pracice myself..I have never claimed to be a Master..It is unfortunate that some people..are addressing me by that term". "So in fact, the purpose of my talk is to request all of you to stop addressing me as Master."
[edit] References
- Rajagopalachari, Parthasarati (1976). Sahaj Marg in Europe. Shri Ram Chandra Mission; Shahjahanpur, India U.P. P. 269
- Spider's Web (volume 1)
- Salient Features of Sahaj Marg (SMRI Series 3)
- The Efficacy of Sahaj Marg
- My Master by Shri Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari
- Speech by Shri Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari (Chariji) (Reverence, Respect and Restraint) at the Seminar in Vrads Sande Castle, Denmark, Nov.1, 2005.
- Benedictory Speech (Become Acceptable) by Shri Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari, at Preceptors Seminar, at Babuji Memorial Ashram, Manapakkam, Chennai, India, Jan. 2001
- Sahaj Sandesh No.: 2005.31 - Wednesday, June 22, 2005
- Questions asked by children to Chariji about God, SMRTI, Youth Services-Story Telling
- Heart of the Lion, Shri Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari, Quote on P-14 (1993), 190 pages.
- Salient Features of Sahaj Marg - Series 2-Be like Lions P 21, Freedom-26
- Speech by Shri Rajagopalachari, Jan. 1, 2005 at Babuji Memorial Ashram, Manapakkam, INDIA,
- Salient Features of Sahaj Marg" (SMRI Series 3) Donations- P 25, On Idolatry-Page 52-53
- Speech (Freedom) by Shri P. Rajagopalachari at Cossonay, Switzerland on July 13, 2003-Speech on Demnocracy
- The Complete Works of Vivekananda (see Raja Yoga-First Steps-Yama)
- "SAHAJ MARG PHILOSOPHY", first published by the Shri Ram Chandra Mission, Shahjahanpur, in 1969.
- Circular, Working Committee, Centre-in-Charge/Preceptors/Organisers of Shri Ram Chandra Mission in India & Abroad, 15th February, 1984, Shahjahanpur, U.P., India.
- Minutes of the Working Committee of SRCM, 6/7th February, 1984, Shahjanpur, U.P., India.
- Minutes of General Body of SRCM, 8th February, 1984, Shahjahanpur, U.P., India.
- "Donations":
- See "Sahaj Marg Philosophy" by Shri Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur (affectionately known as Babuji), originator of Sahaj Marg and founder of the Shri Ram Chandra Mission. Published by Shri Ram Chandra Mission,Shahjahanpur, first edition 1969.
- See also other literature written by Shri Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur (Babuji), i.e. "Some Important Features of Sahaj Marg", "Voice Real", "Commentary on the Ten Commandments of Sahaj Marg", "The Efficacy of Raja Yoga in the Light of Sahaj Marg", "Towards Infinity", "Reality at Dawn" etc., all published by the Shri Ram Chandra Mission, Shahjahanpur, U.P., India.
- See also "Truth Eternal" - the original writings of Samarth Guru Shri Ram Chandra Maharaj of Fategarh, U.P., first edition 1973, published by the Shri Ram Chandra Mission, U.P., India.
[edit] Opinions of dissociated, questioning and/or ex-abhyasis:
Author, businessman, ex-preceptor and ex-member of publishing arm of SRCM and member of "inner circle"
Author is a Phd Research Psychologist and a 20-year member:
- Spiritual Discussion on SPIDI (replaces "Poxy SRCM")
This is the original site on SRCMtm in Europe (group of parents of abhyasis):
European discussion site called "Long life SRCM" for questionning members (mostly FR):
Author is an ex-member from India:
[edit] See also
[edit] External links
Official Sites:
- Shri Ram Chandra Mission Web-site
- Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation Web-site
- SRCM Shahjahanpur- Babuji's grandson-Navneet Kumar
Websites of Associations and Institutions with similar lineage as Shri Ram Chandra Mission:
- Insitute for Ram Chandra Consciousness (ISRC)
- Yogabhyas
- Ramashram- Guru Maharaj, Dr. Chaturbhuj Sahay Ji
- Sufism in India and Naqsh MuMRa by Dr. RK Gupta
- "Laalaaji Nilayam" Golden Chain (Lalaji's Family
- Parampujya Laalaaji’s Vasihatnaama Lalaji's Will
- ABS Satsang
Yogas: | Agni Yoga - Anahata Yoga - Anusara Yoga - Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga - Bikram Yoga - Hatha yoga - Integral yoga - Iyengar Yoga - Kriya yoga - Kundalini yoga - Natya Yoga - Sahaj Marg - Sahaja Yoga - Satyananda Yoga - Sivananda Yoga - Six yogas of Naropa (Tummo) - Surat Shabd Yoga - Viniyoga - Yoga in Daily Life - Yoga Nidra |
Texts: | Bhagavad Gita - Yoga Sutras - Hatha Yoga Pradipika - Gheranda Samhita - Shiva Samhita |
Hinduism paths: | Bhakti yoga - Karma Yoga - Jnana Yoga - Raja Yoga |
Raja Yoga limbs: | Yama - Niyama - Asana - Pranayama - Pratyahara - Dharana - Dhyana - Samadhi |
Lists: | Yoga schools and their gurus - Hatha yoga postures |
Related topics: | Ayurveda - Chakra - Mantra - Tantra - Vedanta - Yoga (alternative medicine) - Yoga as exercise |