Safe Tables Our Priority (S.T.O.P.)

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Safe Tables Our Priority, usually abbreviated to, S.T.O.P., is a non-profit organization in the United States that works to make food safe from contamination.

Allegedly, there are 14 deaths and around 900 hospitalizations every day in the US due to foodborne disease. The contamination of foods by such pathogens as, E.coli O157:H7, Salmonella, and Listeria, during the food's production, shipping, or handling, is believed to be largely responsible.

In response to an outbreak of E. coli in 1993 at a 'Jack in the Box' restaurant (in which 4 persons died and around 700 were made ill), relatives of some of those affected founded the group in an effort to prevent such tragedies.

Since then, 'S.T.O.P.' has worked to provide support and assistance, to advocate on matters relating to public policy, observe government responses and industry practices, and generally educate the public about the dangers of foodborne illness.

[edit] See also

Food safety

[edit] External links