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Late fifteenth century German gothic armor with pointed sabatons.
Late fifteenth century German gothic armor with pointed sabatons.
This article is about Sabaton as a type of armour, for the band, see: Sabaton (band)

A Sabaton or solleret is part of a Knight's armour that covers the foot. Fifteenth century sabatons typically end in a tapered point well past the actual toes of the wearer's foot. Sixteenth century sabatons end at the tip of the toe and may be wider than the actual foot.

[edit] References

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Elements of Medieval armour

Couter | Gauntlet | Pauldrons | Rerebrace | Spaulders | Vambrace

 Head and neck 

Aventail  | Bevor  | Gorget


Chausses  | Greaves  | Poleyns  | Sabatons  | Tassets


Cuirass | Faulds | Hauberk