Sa'd bin Abd al-Rahman

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Sa'd bin Abd al-Rahman bin Faisal Al Saud
House of Saud
Sa'd bin Abd al-Rahman bin Faisal bin Turki bin Abdallah Al Saud
  • Faisal bin S'ad
  • Fahd bin Sa'd
  • Saud bin Sa'd

Sa'd bin Abd al-Rahman, born in 1888, was the only full brother of Abd al-Aziz, founder of the modern state of Saudi Arabia. Their mother was Sarah bint Ahmad al-Kabir al-Sudayri. Sa'd was one of Abd al-Aziz's most devoted supporters and a key lieutenant in the early military campaigns which established his position. Sa'd was captured by the Sharif Hussein of Mecca in 1912, and Abd al-Aziz was forced to pay a humiliating ransom for his release. He was killed in the battle of Kinzaan against the Ajman tribe in 1916. Abd al-Aziz married his widow, Jauhara bint Sa'd al-Sudayri (mother of Saud ibn Sa'd), who bore the furure King three sons, Sa'd bin Abd al-Aziz, Musa'id bin Abdul Aziz and Abdul Mohsin. Sa'd's own sons Faisal, Fahd and Saud were taken in by Abd al-Aziz and raised as part of his own family. They later married into the King's family. Faisal ibn Sa'd married Qumasha bint Abd al-Aziz, and the King's daughter Anud married first Saud bin Sa'd and then his brother Fahd bin Sa'd.

[edit] See also