Operation: S.H.A.V.E./Operation: O.O.M.P.P.A.H.

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Operation: S.H.A.V.E./Operation: O.O.M.P.P.A.H. (Southern Hair Attacks Virtually Everyone/Obnoxious Overzealous Male Parent Plays Annoying Horn) are epsiodes 205/18 of Codename: Kids Next Door. They premiered October 31, 2003.


[edit] Operation: S.H.A.V.E.

[edit] Plot/Synopsis

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

The story starts when a plane drops something in the desert, it's a barber shop, but it turns into something huge. It's the KND CHOPSHOP and it launches 3 people towards a KND Treehouse. It's Numbuh One, Numbuh Four and Numbuh Five. As they get there, they blow up a wall to enter the Treehouse. They comb the Treehouse cautiously and carefully. Numbuh One notices someone's asleep and walks up to the person. The KND Operative wakes up and starts speaking in a Southern accent, and what's worse, he's got a mustache, and so do the rest of the inhabitants of the Treehouse! Numbuh Five takes out a cannon and launches the KND operatives toward the CHOPSHOP. Numbuh One lets Numbuhs Two and Three know that customers are coming their way and Numbuh Two tells him CHOPSHOP is open for business. The operatives get their mustaches shaved by Numbuh Three.

Numbuh Five tells Numbuh One she found a clean one. It's Numbuh 142. Numbuh 142 tells them the mustache epidemic began when Numbuh 149 went to his mom's office and came back with a mustache and he became obsessed with it, and before they could do anything, Numbuh 161 got one, then Numbuh 143, and now look at Numbuh 142 -- peach fuzz! Numbuh One asks Numbuh 142 where Numbuh 149 got the mustache. Numbuh 142 points at a building that has a mustache on it and suddenly, he starts growing a mustache and also starts talking with a Southern accent. Numbuh 142 then gets loaded on the cannon and is launched towards the CHOPSHOP. The KND vow to avenge Numbuh 142 for his predicament.

At the building, the guards, whose names are Ted, Ed and Ned, are talking (in Southern accents) about how great their mustaches look. The KND operatives enter the building disguised as adults with fake mustaches, one of which falls off. Ted notices the KND dropped the fake mustache. Numbuh 4 jumps onto the scene and shaves Ted. Ed and Ned attack them, but Numbuhs 1 and 2 attack them with shaving cream and start shaving them. Numbuh 1 demands to know where the head mustache is and the guard (in a regular, non-Southern accent) tells him he's on the top floor and that he won't rest until the whole world has mustaches.

They enter the office and take out two of the guards. The head mustache, controlling a rather large woman, activates a magnet, taking the KND weapons away from them. The lady tries to break out of the mustache's control and tells the KND she wants help, but the mustache keeps telling her to obey it and plans to put mustaches on everyone in the world. Numbuh Five deactivates the magnet and the KND are about to shoot the mustache with their SHAVERAMAs, but it jumps off the lady's face and the team quickly search for the mustache, only to find it on Numbuh 3's face when she starts talking in a Southern accent. The team reactivates the magnet and Numbuh 4 quickly gets the mustache of Numbuh 3's face. They're about to shoot it, until it begs for mercy and tells the KND they just want a home. Numbuh 3 feels sorry for the mustache and keeps calling it "Kitty". Numbuh 4 still suggests they kill it, but goes along with helping the mustache. Numbuh 5 tells the team she has an idea.

In the South Pole, the KND drop the CHOPSHOP. One of the penguins enter the room and fighting sounds occur. The penguin comes out with a mustache and manages to actually speak... in a (surprise, surprise) Southern accent!

Spoilers end here.

[edit] Notes

Team Episode
Villains: Mustaches
Ally Debuts: Ted, Ned and Ed
Villains Technology Used: None

[edit] Voice cast

[edit] Operation: O.O.M.P.P.A.H.

[edit] Plot/Synopsis

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Numbuh 1 wakes up at 5:00 and goes to the KND Moonbase HQ. He goes in the rocket to fly. Suddenly, the rocket malfunctions, and it ended up landing at Mr. Uno's car. Mr. Uno tells 1 that his mission is to go with his father for fishing. Numbuh 1 refuses to go fishing.

At the road, Mr. Uno drives slowly. The drivers yell at him to put his car faster. Numbuh 1 became bored in the car. Mr. Uno decided to play a sousaphone music. Numbuh 1 became bored with the music. At the boat, Numbuh 1 puts his head in the water, and Mr. Uno puts him on land, saying that this is no way to catch a fish. Mr. Uno decided to play the sousaphone, which upsets Numbuh 1 because of the tune. When Mr. Uno plays the sousaphone, the kids' dads became excited while their kids covers their ears because of the tune. Numbuh 1 furiously tells his dad that he wants to spend some time with his friends and deosn't want to hear the tune of the tuba, and Mr. Uno corrects him that it was a sousaphone. While talking, the other dads of the kids were being kidnapped.

When hearing this, Mr. Uno sadly decided to let Numbuh 1 spend some tme with his friends. Numbuh 1 makes an apology, but his dad sadly said it was okay. Suddenly, a newspaper came, and Mr. Uno gets it to read. Mr. Uno was kidnapped, leaving Numbuh 1 to be alone.

The boy at the top calls Mr. Uno to be his dad. Then, the boy shows that the other dads are on the bucket. Meanwhile, Numbuh 1 sadly misses his dad, and hears the sousaphone tune. Numbuh 1 uses the Backpack Jet to fly, and sees his dad and the boy playing the sousaphone. The boy ties up Mr. Uno, and threatens to drop him to the thorns if Numbuh 1 doesn't agree to challenge him.

Numbuh 1 asks the boy if he was serious to have a sousaphone challenge. The boy tells him that if he wins, Numbuh 1's dad will be the boy's dad, but if Numbuh 1 wins, he will have his dad back. While in the sousaphone fight, Numbuh 1 gets tired, and the boy wins, until his real dad appears. The boy (named Willard) tells his dad that he thought he'd never see him again. Willard' s dad asks him what he was talking about and tells him that he just left for a few hours to go to the supermarket to get milk. He sees Numbuh 1 and his dad, and said "Great, just what we need...more tubas". The two said "Sousaphone".

Back at fishing, Numbuh 1's dad want to ask Numbuh 1 something. Mr. Uno tells him that he should have some sousaphone lessons, because he saw him playing a sousaphone. Numbuh 1 became bored again, and puts his face in the water.

Spoilers end here.

[edit] Notes

Numbuh 1 episode
Villain: Willard and his dad
Family member debut: Mr. Uno, Numbuh 1's dad
KND technology used: Alarm Clock and Backpack Jet
Villain technology used: Sousaphone

[edit] Voice cast

Preceded by
Operation: M.O.V.I.E./Operation: F.A.S.T.-F.O.O.D.
Codename: Kids Next Door episode
Operation: S.H.A.V.E./Operation: O.O.M.P.P.A.H.
Succeeded by
Operation: F.L.A.V.O.R./Operation: K.I.S.S.