S. S. McClure

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Samuel Sidney McClure (18571949) was a key figure in muckraking journalism. He founded and ran the widely circulated McClure's Magazine from June of 1893 to 1911, when poor health and financial reorganization forced him out and many of his writers had defected to form their own magazine. McClure's Magazine published influential pieces by respected journalists and authors including Ida Tarbell, Upton Sinclair, Burton J. Hendrick, Rudyard Kipling, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Robert Lewis Stevenson, Willa Cather, and Lincoln Steffens. Through his magazine, he introduced Dr. Maria Montessori's new teaching methods to North America in 1911.

He was born in County Antrim, Ireland, and emigrated with his widowed mother to Indiana when he was 9 years old. He grew up nearly impoverished on a farm, worked his way through Knox College where he co-founded its student newspaper. In 1884, he established the McClure Syndicate, the first U.S. newspaper syndicate, which serialized books.

Cover of January 1901 issue of McClure's Magazine
Cover of January 1901 issue of McClure's Magazine
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