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[edit] General

Sørvik from Sørvikfjellet
Sandtorg Kirke

Sørvik is a rural district approximately 20 km outside the city of Harstad, Troms, Norway. It's population is about 450.

The community includes a school, Sørvik Barne- og Ungdomsskole, with grades 5 - 10, a kindergarten, Sørvik barnehage, and a retirement home, Sørvik eldrehjem. Sørvik also has it's own soccerteam called SMIL (Sørvikmark Idrettslag).

The services available in Sørvik are limited. There's a church; Sandtorg kirke, a grocery store, ICA, and a gas station, Shell.

[edit] A Metal Community

In Harstad and the districts around, Sørvik is known as a "metal-community". This movement is of course connected to the youth of the village. There have been and are several bands that will go far that have their roots in Sørvik.

Examples are Cat Eye (Who are just about to sign their first record with a German company) and Flame Thrower (Who won Norway's biggest amataur rock-contest RockMotRus in '05), Eternal Silence and Monkey Business.

[edit] Sørvik Rural Museum

There is also a rural/historical museum in boundary with the church and cemetery grounds, which is open every summer for visitors. The museum is a great opportunity to experience and view the average Norwegian home and lifestyle in the beginning of this century and earlier. The museum shows different log architecture from the last 200 years (even older) but also farming/fishing and everyday tools used in this period. Every museum event is normally advertised daily on signs by the road.

[edit] Vikevannet

Vikevannet by summer
Vikevannet by summer
Image:Vikevannet trout.jpg
The most common guest

Vikevannet is a lake located right northwest of Sørvik (1.5km from the main road) Vikevannet is formed by various small brooks from nearby fens, but mainly from its main water source from Vollstadheia. The outgoing stream/river ends by the coast of Sørvik, also known as "Sørvikelva". This river was earlier populated by salmon and sea trout, but vanished because of the lack of continuous heavy water stream and earlier polution. Vikevannet is a popular fishing destination for families or fishing enthusiasts from all around Harstad and other nearby areas. The main population of fish consists of trout, arctic char and some freshwater eal (Anguillidae) The surrounding properties are mainly owned by local farmers or other landed property. Vikevannet is also a very popular bird destination, and you can often see rather rare (in this area) birds in this area including swan, Black Throated Diver, Dipper, Snipe, Eurasian Curlew, Whimbrel, Northern Lapwing and a variety of different freshwater ducks and Grebe birds.