São João da Paraúna

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São João da Paraúna
State Goiás
Area: 305.3 km²
Population: 2,115 (IBGE 2005)
Elevation: 640m above sea level
Postcode (CEP): 75985-000
IBGE statistical microregion: 014 Vale do Rio dos Bois Microregion
Became a city: 1989
Distance to Goiânia: 143 km.
Website: none

São João da Paraúna is a small town and municipality in western Goiás state, Brazil.


[edit] Location

São João is located west of Goiânia, 36 km. north of Paraúna.

Neighboring municipalities: Aurilândia, Paraúna, Palminópolis, Jandaia, and Acreúna

[edit] Political Information

  • Mayor: Claudivino Ferreira da Silva (January 2005)
  • City council: 09 members
  • Eligible voters: 1,700 (April/2006)

[edit] Demographic Information

  • Population density: 6.93 inhab/km² (2005)
  • Urban population: 1,357 (2000)
  • Rural population: 667 (2000)
  • Population growth: a gain of about 300 people since 1980

[edit] Economic Information

The economy is based on subsistence agriculture, cattle raising, services, public administration, and small transformation industries. In 2002 the GDP was 14.629 million Reais. This was ranked 201 out of 246 municipalities in the state. The agricultural sector produced over 9 million Reais of the GDP.

  • Industrial units: 2 (2005)
  • Commercial units: 16 (2005)
  • Dairy: Laticínios MB Ltda (22/05/2006)
  • Meat-packing plant: none (22/05/2006)
  • Financial institutions: none (01/06/2005)
  • Automobiles: 132 (2004)
  • Cattle herd: 29,580 head (5,030 milk cows) (2004)
  • Poultry: 8,430 head (2004)
  • Swine: 2,240 head (2004)
  • Main crops: cotton (420 hectares), rice (300 hectares), beans, manioc, corn (1,300 hectares), and soybeans (3,000 hectares).

[edit] Education (2005)

  • Schools: 3
  • Classrooms: 16
  • Teachers: 19
  • Students: 417
  • Higher education: none
  • Adult literacy rate: 87.1% (2000) (national average was 86.4%)

[edit] Health (2003)

  • Hospitals: 0
  • Hospital beds: 0
  • Ambulatory clinics: 2
  • Doctors, nurses, dentists: 3, 1, 1 (2002)
  • Infant mortality rate: 13.70 (2000) (national average was 33.0)

[edit] Municipal Human Development Index

  • Life expectancy: 73.5
  • Adult literacy rate: 0.855
  • School attendance rate: 0.837
  • MHDI: 0.779
  • State ranking: 34 (out of 242 municipalities in 2000)
  • National ranking: 1,093 (out of 5,507 municipalities in 2000)

Data are from 2000

For the complete list see Frigoletto.com

[edit] See also

[edit] Sources of Data

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