Russo-Turkish War (1768–1774)

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Russo-Ottoman Wars
1676–81 – 1686–1700 – 1687–89 – 1695–96 – 1710–11 – 1735–39 – 1768–74 – 1787–92 – 1806–12 – 1828–29 – 1853–56 – 1877–78 – 1914–18

The Russo-Turkish War of 1768–1774 was a decisive conflict that brought Southern Ukraine, Northern Caucasus, and Crimea within the orbit of the Russian Empire.

The war followed the internal tensions within Poland where there was the strife between the nobility and the king Stanislaus Augustus Poniatowski, former favorite of the Russian Empress Catherine II. The king was dependent on Russian military backing.

A detachment of Cossacks in Russian service entered Balta (on Ottoman territory) during the pursuit of a Polish Bar Confederation force. The Ottoman Empire accused the troops to have conducted the slaughter of its subjects in the town of Balta, a charge denied by the Russian authorities. Following this border incident at Balta, Sultan Mustafa III declared war on Russia on September 25, 1768. The Turks formed the alliance with the Polish oppositionary forces of Bar Confederation, while Russia was supported by the United Kingdom, who offered naval advisers to the Imperial Russian Navy.

The Polish opposition was defeated by Aleksandr Suvorov. After that he was transferred to the Turkish theatre of operations, where in 1773 and 1774 he won several minor and major battles following the previous successes of the Russian Field-Marshal Count Peter Rumiantsev at Larga and Kagul.

Allegory of Catherine's Victory over the Turks (1772), by Stefano Torelli.
Allegory of Catherine's Victory over the Turks (1772), by Stefano Torelli.

The naval operations of the Russian Baltic Fleet in the Mediterranean yielded even more spectacular victories under the command of Aleksey Grigoryevich Orlov. In 1771, Egypt and Syria rebelled against the Ottoman rule while the Russian fleet totally destroyed the Turkish Navy in the Battle of Chesma.

On July 21, 1774, the Ottoman Empire signed the Treaty of Kuçuk Kainarji. According to the treaty, the Crimean Khanate formally gained its independence (but in reality became dependent on Russia), Russia received the war reparations of 4.5 million rubles and two key seaports allowing the direct access to the Black Sea.

This war was but a small part of the continuous process of expansion of the Russian Empire southwards and eastwards during the 18th and 19th century.