Russian Association of Girl Scouts

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Scouting organization

Russian Association of Girl Scouts
Organizational data
Name Rossiyskaya Assotsiatsiya Devochek-Skautov
Country Russia
Founded 1994
Membership 1,158
Scouting Scouting portal

Russian Association of Girl Scouts (Russian: Росси́йская Ассоциа́ция де́вочек-ска́утов, Rossiyskaya Assotsiatsiya Devochek-Skautov) is the national Guiding organization of Russia. Guiding in Russia started about 1910 within the Boy Scout groups and was disbanded in the 1920s. It was restarted in 1990 as part of the Federation of Scouts of Russia and formed an independent association in 1994. The organization became an associate member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) in 1999. The girls-only association has 1,158 members (as of 1998).


[edit] History

In 1993 a reception was held in Manila, Philippines in conjunction with WAGGGS' Asia Pacific Symposium of NGOs for Women in Development. The aim was to introduce or reintroduce the Girl Guiding/Girl Scouting movement and to explore possibilities of starting/restarting Girl Guiding/Girl Scouting in Russia, as well as Cambodia, Iran, Tibet, Uzbekistan and Vietnam. Fifty women leaders from those nations attended the Asia Pacific Symposium, sharing their Girl Guiding/Girl Scouting experiences.

[edit] Girl Scout Promise

Честным словом обещаю сделать все от меня зависящее, чтобы выполнить свой Долг перед страной и стремиться к духовному , помогать тем, кто нуждается в моей помощи, и жить по законам девочек-скаутов.

On my word of honor I promise to do all that depends on me, to fulfill my debt to my country, to strive for spiritual perfection, to help those who need my help, and to live by the Girl Scout laws.

[edit] Girl Scout Laws

  1. Девочка-скаут верна данному слову;
  2. Девочка-скаут доводит начатое дело до конца;
  3. Девочка-скаут старается быть полезной и помогать другим;
  4. Девочка-скаут дружелюбна, приветлива и вежлива;
  5. Все девочки-скауты – сестры;
  6. Девочка-скаут – друг природы;
  7. Девочка-скаут предана родителям, дисциплинирована и подчиняется приказам лидера;
  8. Девочка-скаут бережлива и уважает чужую собственность;
  9. Девочка-скаут чиста и благородна в своих помыслах и поступках;
  10. Девочка-скаут никогда не унывает.
  1. A Girl Scout is true to her word.
  2. A Girl Scout finishes what she starts.
  3. A Girl Scout tries to be useful and to help others.
  4. A Girl Scout is friendly, cordial, and polite.
  5. All Girl Scouts are sisters.
  6. A Girl Scout is a friend of nature.
  7. A Girl Scout is devoted to her parents, is disciplined, and obeys her leader.
  8. A Girl Scout is thrifty and respects the property of others.
  9. A Girl Scout is clean and noble in her thoughts and actions.
  10. A Girl Scout never loses heart.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

Members of the Europe Region of WAGGGS

Full members: Austria | Belarus | Belgium | Cyprus | Czech Republic | Denmark | Estonia | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Iceland | Ireland | Israel | Italy | Latvia | Liechtenstein | Luxembourg | Malta | Monaco | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Slovakia | Slovenia | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Turkey | United Kingdom
Associate members: Armenia | Georgia | Hungary | Russia | San Marino | Ukraine
Countries working towards WAGGGS membership: Albania | Lithuania