Rulers of Welayta

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[edit] List of Rulers of Welayta

A former kingdom and province located in southern present-day Ethiopia.

Tenure Incumbent Notes
c.1250 Foundation of Welayta state
Damot dynasty
No rulers known
Wolaitamola dynasty
Dates and rulers not known Ended with the Oromo migrations
Tigray dynasty
c.1560 Mikael, Kawa  
16th century Girma, Kawa
17th century Gazenja, Kawa
17th century Addayo, Kawa
18th century Kote, Kawa
18th century Libana, Kawa
???? to 1761 Tube, Kawa Died in office
1761 to 1800 Ogatto, Kawa
1800 to 1835 Amado, Kawa
1835 to 1845 Damota, Kawa
1845 to 1886 Gobe, Kawa
1886 to c.1890 Gaga, Kawa
1890 to October 1895 Tona, Kawa
Waylata conquered by Menelik II of Ethiopia and incorporated into Ethiopia 1894
October 1895 to 1900 Tekle Haymanot, Negus

[edit] Source

  • C.F. Beckingham and G.W.B. Huntingford, Some Records of Ethiopia, 1593-1646 (London: Hakluyt Society, 1954), pp. lxv - lxvii.

[edit] See also