Rufus Buck Gang

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The Rufus Buck Gang was an outlaw multi-racial gang of mixed-blood Negros and Creek Indians who operated in the Indian Territory of the Arkansas-Oklahoma area from 1895 to 1896.

Formed by Rufus Buck, the gang consisted of Lewis Davis, Sam Sampson, Maoma July, and Lucky Davis. The gang began building up a small stockpile of weapons while staying in Okmulgee, Oklahoma until killing U.S. deputy marshal John Garrett on July 28, 1895 the gang began holding up various stores and ranches in the Fort Smith area during the next two weeks. In one incident a salesman named Callahan – after being robbed – was offered a chance to escape if he could outrun the gang. When the elderly Callahan successfully escaped the gang killed his assistant in frustration.

Continuing attacks on both local settlers and Creek indiscriminantly, the gang was captured outside Muskogee by a combined force of lawman and Indian police of the Creek Light Horse, led by Marshal S. Morton Rutherford, on August 10. While the Creek wanted to hold the gang for trial the men were brought before "Hanging" Judge Issac Parker where they were hanged on July 1, 1896.

Following Rufus Buck's death a picture of Buck's mother was found in his cell along with a poem written on the back.

MY dreAM-
i, dremP'T i, wAs, in, HeAven,
Among, THe Angels, FAir:
i, d, neAr, seen, none, so HAndsome,
THAT TWine, in goLden, HAir:
TheY, Looked, so, neAT,
And; sAng, so, sweeT
And, Play, d, THe, THe, golden, harp
i, was, ABouT, To, Pick, An Angel ouT,
And, TAke, Her, To, mY HeaRT:
BuT, THe, momenT, i, BegAn
To PLea,
i, THougHT, oF, You, mY, Love,
THere, Was, none, I, d seen
so, BeAuTiFull,
On, eArTH, or, HeAven, ABove.
gooD! By, My Dear, Wife..anD MoTHer
All. so. My SisTers.
Rufus, Buck
Youse Truley"

[edit] Resources

  • Sifakis, Carl. Encyclopedia of American Crime, New York, Facts on File Inc., 1982