Rufous-breasted Laughingthrush

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Nilgiri Laughing-thrush

Conservation status
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Timaliidae
Genus: Trochalopteron
Species: T. cachinnans
Binomial name
Trochalopteron cachinnans
Jerdon, 1839

Garrulax cachinnans

The Rufous-breasted Laughingthrush or Nilgiri Laughingthrush Trochalopteron cachinnans is a species of Laughingthrush endemic to Peninsular India.


[edit] Taxonomy

Recent treatments move this from the genus Garrulax to the older genus Trochalopteron and treats the species jerdoni (Wynaad Laughingthrush or Greybreasted Laughingthrush) and cachinnans as two races of a single species which is also given the new common name of Black-chinned Laughingthrush. The race jerdoni is restricted to the Brahmagiri areas of Coorg and Wayanad, while the nominate race cachinnans is found in the Nilgiri hills. The race jerdon has a grey breast with faint streaks.[1] The two races are found north of the Palghat gap.

[edit] Food

Forages at the forest edge on invertebrates, nectar, flowers and fruits, mostly within 3 m of the ground, and mostly in the early morning and late afternoon. Peruvian cherry Physalis peruviana, Rubus and Hill Guava Rhodomyrtus tomentosa are favourite fruits.[2]

[edit] Nesting

Nests from February to the beginning of June.

A nest of this species sent me by Mr. H. R. P. Carter, who took it at Coonoor on April 22nd (when it contained two fresh eggs), is externally a rather coarse clumsy structure, composed of roots, dead leaves, small twigs, and a little lichen, about 5 inches in diameter, and standing about 4.5 inches high. The egg-cavity is, however, very regularly shaped, and neatly lined with very fine grass-stems and a little line tow-like vegetable fibre. It is a deep cup, measuring 2.5 inches across and fully 3.75 inches in depth.

Hume, 1889

A nest taken by Miss Cockburn was a much more compact structure, placed between four or five twigs. It was composed of coarse grass, dead and skeleton leaves, a very little lichen, and a quantity of moss. The egg-cavity was lined with very fine grass. The nest was externally about 5.5 inches in diameter and nearly 6 inches in height, but the egg-cavity had a diameter of only about 2.5 inches and was only about 2.25 inches deep.

Mr. J. Darling, Jr., says :—" This bird breeds from February to May. I have found the nests all over the Nilghiris, at elevations of from 4500 to 7500 feet above the sea. The nest is placed indiscriminately in any bush or tree that happens to take the bird's fancy, at heights of from 3 to 12 feet from the ground. "In shape it is circular, a deep cup, externally some 6 inches in diameter and 5 or 6 inches in height, and with a cavity 3 to 4 inches wide and often fully 4 inches in depth. The nest is composed of moss and small twigs, at times of grass mingled with some spiders' webs : sometimes there is a foundation of dead leaves. The cavity is lined with fur, cotton-wool, feathers, &c. ... The eggs are two or three in number."

Hume, 1889

Mr. Davison tells me that "this bird breeds commonly on the Nilghiris, just before the rains set in, in May and the earlier part of June, bat it occasionally breeds earlier (in April) or later (in the latter end of. June). The nest is cup-shaped, composed of dead leaves, moss, grass, &c., and lined with a few moss-roots or fine grass. It is placed in the fork of a branch about 6 or 8 feet from the ground. The eggs are a bluish green, mottled chiefly towards the larger end, and sometimes also streaked with purplish brown. The normal number of eggs is two; sometimes, however, three are laid."

"...The Laughing-Thrush, builds a pretty, though large, nest, and generally selects the forked branches of a thick bush, and commences its nest with a large quantity of moss, after which there is a lining of fine grass and roots, and the withered fibrous covering of the Peruvian Cherry (Physalis peruviana), the nest being finished with a few feathers, in general belonging to the bird. The inside of the nest is perfectly round, and rarely contains more than two eggs, belonging to the owner. The eggs are of a beautiful greenish-blue colour, with a few large and small brown blotches and streaks, mostly at the large end. I have found the nests of these birds in February, March, and April. Occasionally the Black-and-white Crested Cuckoo, which appears on these hills in the month of March, deposits its eggs (two in number) in the nest of this Thrush. ..."

More or less pyriform varieties are common. In some eggs the markings are almost entirely wanting, there being only a very faint brownish-pink freckling at the large end; and in many eggs. even some that are profusely spotted all over, the markings consist only of darker or lighter brownish-pink shades. Occasionally a few, almost black, twisted lines are intermingled with the other markings, and in these cases the lines are frequently surrounded by a reddish-purple nimbus.

The eggs vary in length from 0.92 to 1.08, and in breadth from 0.74 to 0.8, but the average of twenty eggs measured was 1.0 by 0.76.[3]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Rasmussen, P. C. and Anderton, J. C. (2005) Birds of South Asia. The Ripley Guide. Smithsonian Institution and Lynx edicions.
  2. ^ BirdLife International (2001) Threatened birds of Asia: the BirdLife International Red Data Book. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.
  3. ^ Hume, A. O. (1889) The Nests and Eggs of Indian Birds (Volume 1)

[edit] External links