Ruaha National Park

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Ruaha National Park
IUCN Category II (National Park)
Location: Tanzania
Nearest city: Iringa
Area: 10,300 km²
Established: 1964
Governing body: TANAPA

Ruaha National Park is a large national park in Tanzania. It covers an area of about 10,300 km² and is only second in size to Serengeti National Park. It is located in the middle of Tanzania about 130 km from Iringa. The park is part of a more extensive ecosystem which includes Rungwa Game Reserve, Usangu Game Reserve, and several other protected areas.

The name of the park is derived from the Great Ruaha River, which flows along its south-eastern margin and is the focus for game-viewing. The park can be reached by car via Iringa and there is an airstrip at Msembe, park headquarters.


[edit] History

The creation of a national park in this area was first proposed in 1949 by the Senior Game Ranger in Mbeya, George Rushby. In 1951 it was gazetted by the British colonial authorities as an extension of the neighbouring Rungwa Game Reserve. People living in the new protected area were subsequently forced to move out. In 1964 it was excised from the game reserve and elevated to full park status.

Superb Starling (Lamprotornis superbus)
Superb Starling (Lamprotornis superbus)

[edit] Wildlife

Ruaha is famous for its large population of Elephants. Presently about 10.000 are roaming the park. Ruaha National Park is also a true birdwatchers paradise: 436 species have been identified of an estimated total of 475. Among the resident birds are different species of Hornbills, Kingfishers and Sunbirds. Also many migrants visit Ruaha, e.g. the White Stork

Other special animals in Ruaha are: the African Wild Dog and Sable Antelope. Rhinoceros were last been sighted in 1982 and are probably extinct in the park due to poaching.

[edit] Environmental change

The park is currently facing a significant environmental challenge from the progressive drying up of the Great Ruaha River. The river used to flow all year round, but since 1993 there have been increasingly long periods every dry season in which it has dried up completely. Different hypotheses have been advanced to account for this, and one view is that it is caused by the expansion of irrigation schemes for rice cultivation and growth of livestock keeping in the Usangu wetland, which feeds the Great Ruaha River (Fox 2004).

[edit] References

Bruce Fox (2004). "An Overview of the Usangu Catchment, Ihefu Wetland, & Great Ruaha River Ecosystem Environmental Disaster". Retrieved on 2006-08-09.

Official park guide: (2000) Ruaha, Tanzania National Parks. ISBN 1-77916-008-9. 

[edit] External links

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