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This page has resource lists of pscyhologists, as defined in the page Psychologist, who have been eminently important to the study of psychology. Also, is a table for eminent non-psychologists contributers of psychological ideas, and a table of contemporary psychologists of note. Finally, there is a list of pre-scientific influences on psychology in the list of antecedents to scientific psychology.


[edit] Table of Eminent Psychologists

Name Dates Domain1 Most known for
Mary Ainsworth 1913–1999 Developmental Strange Situation, attachment styles
Gordon W. Allport 1897–1967 Personality A-S reaction study
Anne Anastasi 1908–2001 Psychometrics
James Rowland Angell 1869–1949
Eliot Aronson 1932– Social
Solomon E. Asch 1907–1996 Gestalt Asch situation
Albert Bandura 1925– Social social learning theory
Frederic Bartlett 1886–1969 Experimental
Lauretta Bender 1897–1987 Developmental
Leonard Berkowitz
Alfred Binet 1857–1911 Differenital
Edwin G. Boring Experimental
Gordon H. Bower
D. E. Broadbent 1926–1993 Experimental Broadbent's filter model
Roger Brown
Jerome S. Bruner 1915– Developmental
Cyril Burt 1883 –1971 Differential
Donald T. Campbell 1916–1996 Campbell's design approach
W. Gary Cannon Psychophsiology Canon-Bard theory of emotion, Cannon-Washburn experiment
James McKeen Cattell 1860–1944 Exeprimental
Raymond B. Cattell Personality, Assessment Cattell 16 Factor Personality Questionnaire
Clyde Hamilton Coombs 1912–1988
Leo J. Cronbach 1916–2001 Psychometrics Cronbach's coefficient alpha
Morton Deutsch Experimental Deutsch illusion
John Dollard 1900?–1980 Personality
Hermann Ebbinghaus 1850–1909 Physiological
Paul Ekman 1934– Experimental
William K. Estes 1919– Experimental
H. J. Eysenck 1916 –1997 Personality, Differenital Eysenck personality inventory
Gustav Fechner 1801–1887 Physiological
Leon Festinger 1919–1989 Social cognitive dissonance theory
Erich Fromm 1900–1980 Personality, Humanism
John Garcia 1917– Garci effect
Arnold Gesell 1880–1961
Eleanor J. Gibson 1910–2002
James J. Gibson 1904–1979 Cognitive theory of space perception
J. P. Guilford 1897–1988 Differenital, Psychometrics Guilford-Martin personnel inventory
G. Stanley Hall 1844–1924 Experimental theory of interpersonal zones
Harry Harlow 1906–1981 Comparative surrogate wire & terry cloth mothers in rhesus monkeys
Donald O. Hebb 1904–1985 Physiological Hebbian association
Fritz Heider 1896–1988 Experimental
Ernest R. Hilgard 1904–2001
John Holland 1919– Industrial
Clark L. Hull 1884–1952 Experimental Hullian
J. McVicker Hunt 1906–1991 Experimental, Personality
William James 1842–1910 Physiological James-Lange theory of emotion
Irving L. Janis 1918–
Arthur R. Jensen Differenital
Edward E. Jones Experimental Jones's correspondent inference
Jerome Kagan Development
Harold H. Kelley Kelley's attribution theory
Lawrence Kohlberg Developmental stages of moral development
Wolfgang Köhler 1887–1967 Gestalt prism experiments
Kurt Koffka 1886–1941 Gestalt
Karl S. Lashley 1890–1958 Physiological, Cognitive Lashley's jumping stand
Richard S. Lazarus
Kurt Lewin 1890–1947 Pesronality Lewinian psychology, field theory
Elizabeth F. Loftus Cognitive
Alexander R. Luria Neuropsychological Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery
Eleanor E. Maccoby Developmental, Social
Abraham Maslow 1908 –1970 Personality Maslow's hierarchy
David C. McClelland 1917–1998
William McDougall 1871–1938 Experimental
Paul E. Meehl Psychometrics
Stanley Milgram 1933–1984 Social obedience studies
George A. Miller
Neal E. Miller 1909–2002
Walter Mischel Clinical, Personality
O. Hobart Mowrer Personality
Gardner Murphy 1895–1979 Personality
Ulric Neisser 1928– Cognitive
Theodore M. Newcomb Social Attraction studies
Charles E. Osgood Osgood's transfer surface theory
Jean Piaget Developmental Piagetian stages
Robert Plomin
Michael Posner
Carl E. Seashore 1866–1949 Experimental
Stanley Schachter Social Schachter's affiliation studies
Martin E. P. Seligman Social
Roger N. Shepard Kruskel-Shepard scaling
B. F. Skinner 1904–1990 Experimental Skinnerian behaviorism
Kenneth Spence
Roger W. Sperry Experimental
Robert J. Sternberg
S. S. Stevens 1906–1973 Experimental Stevens's power law
Lewis M. Terman 1877–1956 I Terman-McNemar Test of Mental Ability
Edward Thorndike 1874–1949 Clinical Thorndike's puzzle box
L. L. Thurston 1887–1955 Quantitative, Personality Thurston Attitude Scale
E. B. Titchener 1867–1927 Experimental
Edward C. Tolman 1886–1959 Experimental purposive behaviorism
Silvan S. Tompkins 1911–1991 Personality
Endel Tulving Experimental
Amos Tversky 1937–1996
Benton J. Underwood
Lev S. Vygotsky Developmental Vygotsky test
Margarete Washburn 1871–1939 Experimental Canon-Washburn experiment
John B. Watson 1878–1958 Clinical Watsonian behaviorism
David Wechsler 1896–1981 Assessment Wechsler Intelligence Scales
Max Wertheimer 1880–1943 Experimental
Herman A. Witkin Physiological Witkin field independence
Joseph Wolpe Clinical Reciprocal inhibition
Robert W. Woodworth Personality Woodworth personal data sheet
Wilhelm Wundt 1832–1920 Experimental Wundt's emotional laws
Robert Yerkes 1876–1956– Comparative
R. B. Zajonc 1923– Social social facilitation
Joseph Zubin 1900–1990 Clinical
1 Please refer to InfoBox on the right for standardized list of domains.

[edit] Table of Eminent non-psychologists Contributers to Psychology

Name Dates Domain1 Most known for
Alfred Adler
Michael Balint
Roberto Assagioli
Vladimir Bekhterev
Aaron T. Beck
Ernest Becker
Wilfred Bion
John Bowlby
Jean-Martin Charcot
John Dewey
Erik H. Erikson
Milton H. Erickson
Anna Freud
Sigmund Freud
Havelock Ellis
Viktor Frankl
Francis Galton
Friedrich Hayek
Karen Horney
Edwin Hutchins
Ernest Jones
Carl Gustav Jung
Otto F. Kernberg
Alfred Kinsey
Melanie Klein
Jacques Lacan
Heinz Kohut
Margaret Mahler
Emil Kraepelin
Elizabeth Kübler-Ross
William Masters and Virginia Johnson
Arnold Mindell
Thomas Ogden
Ivan Pavlov 1849–1936 Physiological conditioned reflexes
Fritz Perls Clinical Gestalt psychotherapy
Otto Rank Clinical Psychoanalysis, Birth order
Wilhelm Reich Clinical Psychoanalysis, Orgone theory
Hermann Rorschach Personality Inkblot test
Carl Rogers Clinical Person center psychotherapy
Virginia Satir Clinical family systems
Morita Shoma
Harry Stack Sullivan Clinical Interpersonal psychoanalysis
Irvin Yalom Clinical Group therapy, humanism
D. W. Winnocott Clinical Psychoanalytic object relations

[edit] Table of Contemporary Psychologists

[edit] List of Antecedents to Scientific Psychology

In roughly historical order

Ancient Greece

Roman Period

Middle Ages


British Empiricism and Associationism



Psychophysics/Experimental Physiology

[edit] List of Eminent Contributers to Psychology of a Specific Country


  • Hiroshi Hayami 1876-1943
  • Teijiro Kawata 1879-1959
  • Ryoei Kubo 1883-1942
  • Ryo Kuroda 1890-1947
  • Koreshige Masuda 1883-1933
  • Taizo Nakajima 1866-1918
  • Amane Nishi 1826-1894
  • Shigeki Nishimura 1828-1902
  • Toshio Nogami 1882-1963
  • Usao Onojima 1893-1944
  • Kanichi Tanaka 1882-1962
  • Seji Tsukahara 1872-1946
  • Yoicki Ueno 1883-1957
  • Toru Watanabe 1883-1957
  • Tatsuo Yatabe 1893-1958

1. Applied

 a.  Community
 b.  Engineering
 c.  Educational

2. Clinical

 a.  Assessment
 b.  Psychopathology
 c.  Health Service Providers
   i.  Adult Clinical
   ii.  Child
   iii.  Counseling
   iv.  Geropsychology
   v.  Health
   vi.  School
 d.  Modes of Psychotherapy
   i.  Behavioral
   ii.  Cognitive/Behavioral
   iii.  Counseling
   iv.  Psychodynamic
     (1)  Adlerian
     (2)  Psychoanalysis
       (a)  Interpersonal
       (b)  Intersubjective
       (c)  Jungian
       (d)  Object Relations
         (i)  American
         (ii)  British
       (e)  Psychodynamic psychotherapy

3. Cognitive

 a.  Psycholinguists

4. Comparative

 a.  Biopsychologists

5. Cultural
6. Developmental Psychologists

 a.  Child
 b.  Adolescent
 c.  Adult
 d.  Geriatric

7. Differential
8. Experimental
9. Forensic
10. Health
11. Industrial

 a.  Personnel

12. Personality
13. Physiological
14. Psychometric/Quantitative/Statistical
15. Social Psychologists