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In mathematics, RSA-200 is one of the RSA numbers, large semiprimes that are part of the RSA Factoring Challenge. RSA-200 has a length of 200 decimal digits which corresponds to 663 bits, and factors into the two 100-digit primes given below. The factorization was announced on May 9, 2005 by F. Bahr, M. Boehm, J. Franke, and T. Kleinjung.[1]

The factorization was found using the general number field sieve algorithm.

RSA-200 = 2799783391122132787082946763872260162107044678695542853756000992932612840010

RSA-200 = 3532461934402770121272604978198464368671197400197625023649303468776121253679
        * 7925869954478333033347085841480059687737975857364219960734330341455767872818

The CPU time spent on finding these factors by a collection of parallel computers amounted – very approximately – to the equivalent of 75 years work for a single 2.2 GHz Opteron-based computer.[1] Note that while this approximation serves to suggest the scale of the effort, it leaves out many complicating factors; the announcement states it more precisely.

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b Preliminary announcement of the factorization by Thorsten Kleinjung

[edit] External links

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