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User RPLunk
This user comes from Canada.
This user is a bibliophile.
This user is an AFOL.
This user is interested in philately, but prefers to call it stamp collecting.
This user is interested in flags and emblems.
This user is interested in World War I and World War II.
This user wants you to remember that twenty-five million Soviets died for your freedom.
This user says "Thank You" to Canadian Soldiers and Veterans. We Will Remember Them.
This user's Political Compass score is Economic -9.00 and Social -5.13.
This user is a member of the NDP Socialist Caucus.
This user is sometimes a Communist sympathizer.
This user praises and criticizes governments of countries he has never visited.
This user supports the Cuban Revolution and Solidarity.
ath This user is an atheist.*

Have not accomplished much in my life, and probably never will.

My first article (and really only) was taking the stub Jews in Canada and making it into a real article. However, I don't like the name it was given, possibly an 'Admin' might change it to Jewish Canadians.

I also did a little bit of work on fleshing out the English Wiphala article. In my opinion one of the most beautiful flags in the world.

I have included some stuff here so that you will understand where I am coming from when doing an edit.

You should know some of my biases and POVs if you want to remove them from my edits:

  • I have been called anti-Zionist (true, creating Israel was a mistake. I also think there are similarities between apartheid South Africa and Israel today. However, Israel can't be undone and anti-Israeli sentiment has a nasty habit of turning into revolting anti-Semitism. A peaceful solution must be found).
  • I consider Cuba to be socialist and the only country close to communism in the world today.
  • (Organized) Religion is the root of all evil. If you worship at home by yourself that is fine. If you want to worship with other people in an opulent building, receive tax cuts and think the teachings of your myths apply to everyday life, sorry but I take issue with that.
  • Marriage is a crock, why do people need a legal document to prove their commitment to each other? Demonstrating your devotion through your actions is much more profound. However, if heterosexuals are allowed to partake in this joke, so should homosexuals.
  • I strongly support abortion on demand and believe in a two-child policy.
  • The death penalty should be reserved only for those too dangerous to keep alive (as their continued existence may inspire the dangerous elements of society). E.g. those convicted of war crimes, crimes against humanity and organizing hate-based groups.
  • Drugs should be decriminalized and addiction treated as a medical and mental condition. Penalties for drug trafficking should be stiffened severely.
  • I also want you to remember that it was the Nazis that started the first anti-smoking crusade.

[edit] From Communists to Social Democrats

People of vastly different 'lefty' flavors you should read about. In my opinion all are great men who did/are doing their best for the people. Some have done things I don't agree with and others not as much as they could have. However, all are genuinely good human beings and inspirational leaders.