Royal Town Planning Institute

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The Royal Town Planning Institute is the professional organisation for Urban planning professionals in the United Kingdom.

As of may 2005, the membership totalled 19,732 members (including both student and corporate), of whom 18,678 were based in the UK and 1054 were overseas members[1].

The RTPI’s work involves promoting good planning, developing and shaping policy affecting the built environment, consistently raising the standards of the planning profession, supporting its membership through continued professional development, education and training for future planners.

Full membership allows the use of the initials 'MRTPI' after a members name, which confirms their chartered status. Member services include a weekly magazine entitled 'Planning' and professional indemnity insurance.

The RTPI is governed by a General Assembly and an Executive Board. The General Assembly is responsible for the development of planning policy and practice. The Executive Board is responsible for managing the affairs of the RTPI as a chartered body and registered charity.

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