Royal Palm Turkey

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[edit] General

The Royal Palm is a small variety of turkey that was originally recognized by the American Poultry Association in 1971. They are considered a heritage breed and are listed as critical by the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy.

[edit] Coloration

These turkeys are mainly white with a black band in the tail and lines of black feathers on the breast. The back is black underneath the wings and the body feathers are white. They have a black beard and red or bluish heads and wattles. The presence of any brown wing feathers is a disqualification.

[edit] Standard Weights

Old Tom-22 pounds

Young Tom-16 pounds

Old Hen-12 pounds

Young Hen-10 pounds

[edit] Uses

They are to small for use in commercial food production, but they are commonly used for food on small family farms and pest control. They are generally good foragers are make excellent birds for free ranging.

[edit] External Links