Roy M. Huffington

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Roy M. Huffington was a Texas oilman, and former U.S Ambassador to Austria.

He is the father of Michael Huffington, who was briefly a California congressman, and is the former father-in-law of progressive activist Arianna Huffington.

He found a gas & oil company in Indonesia call HUFFCO. In 1966 HUFFCO signed production sharing contract with Pertamina to explore oil in Kutai Basin of Mahakam River delta East Kalimantan Indonesia. Initially exploration object was oil but finally HUFFCO discovery giant natural gas reserve in 1972 at Badak Field. Then HUFFCO and Pertamina initiated to build LNG plant in Bontang. First shipping was in August 1977, only 5 years after discovery.

In 1990 HUFFCO was became VICO.

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