Rover's Morning Glory

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The Show's Official Logo
The Show's Official Logo

'Rover's Morning Glory' is a morning radio talk show based at K-Rock 92.3 in Cleveland, Ohio. It's hosted by Rover and features co-hosts Duji, Dieter, and Johnathan.

The show first aired in Cleveland on March 24, 2003 before briefly moving to Chicago in late 2005. The show returned to Cleveland on July 31, 2006 after getting cancelled because of low ratings.

The format includes discussion of current events and pop culture, with Rover and Dieter taking the male view and challenging the feminist, liberal viewpoint of Duji. One popular segment on the show is Friday's "Dare Dieter" in which co-host Dieter performs dangerous or disgusting dares, because he would like to prove his masculinity. Past dares have included putting his tongue on an electric bug zapper, kissing a homosexual man named Paco, skateboarding through fluorescent light bulbs, putting his arm in a beartrap, letting quick dry cement settle around his hand, jousting on pocketbikes with a cattle prod, eating the placenta from a newborn baby, riding a bicycle through drywall and challenging toughman competitor Butterbean to a fight. The bug zapper incident sparked enough controversy over the show to make the news internationally and helped propel the show into widespread syndication.

The show puts out an annual calendar called the "Miss Morning Glory Calendar" in which the show goes around to all the various cities and holds calendar search parties. The girls in the calendar are all local girls from the various cities and are chosen at the search parties with much crowd participation. The best girl is chosen to be Miss Morning Glory and wins a cash prize of $5,000.

An incident on the September 21, 2006 broadcast sparked controversy when, during an on-air telephone interview with "Weird Al" Yankovic, the crew asked about the death of Yankovic's parents, causing him to become audibly upset. At the end of the interview, Yankovic hung up abruptly. This was followed by numerous angry calls from both concerned listeners and Al's publicist, during which Rover defended his line of questioning.

On January 26, 2007, it was announced by KPNT FM 105.7 "The Point", the St. Louis affiliate, that it was dropping the syndicated Rover's Morning Glory from mornings in favor of local programming, bringing back Donnie Fandango for wakeups beginning January 29.

Rover has been #1 for the 18-25 demographic in Cleveland for two years. The show just recently became #1 in Rochester, NY.


[edit] Cast

  • Rover, Host (Shane French)
  • Dieter (Dominic Dieter)
  • Duji (Susan Catanese)
  • Jonathan (Jonathan Finerty)
  • DJ Jazzy Jim (James O'Donnell)
  • Dumb (Shaun Streeter)

[edit] Segments

  • Dare Dieter

In the Dare Dieter segment, listeners submit dares and are selected and presented to Dieter, who says that he will perform any dare no matter how dangerous or outrageous. The Dare Dieter segment usually sticks to a particular formula. The dare is presented to Dieter. Calls are then taken from listeners to explain to him how stupid or dangerous the selected activity is, and finally Dieter agrees to perform said dare. Often callers and the other hosts push Dieter into the dare by questioning his masculinity. Rover has repeatedly stated that if Dieter refuses a dare for any reason he will cancel the segment. Previous dares include the infamous tongue on the bug zapper, having his rear end cattle-branded with a letter "D", riding a bicycle into a parked car, being shot in the backside with a pellet gun, doing the "stop light" challenge and walk across a balance beam, lay on a bed of nails, eat his former boss Kim's placenta, eat a live turantula,etc. Dieter was nearly fired for the dare during which he destroyed his then-boss Kim Monroe's office with a chainsaw, which he used to saw her desk and computer in half.

  • Homeless Hummers

Usually one of the first bits on the show, Homeless Hummers features popular songs that are read on the air by a homeless person. Listeners then call in to try and guess the artist and title of the song, and win prizes for a successful guess. They no longer do this bit anymore, for unknown reasons.

  • Know the Show

At the end of each show, Duji creates a trivia question about something that happened or was said that day on the show. The questions usually center on something that happened early in the show and can reference a very minute or obscure event on the show. The idea is that someone who has been listening all morning would be able to answer the question and win a prize as a reward for their listening loyalty.

  • Sports Update

The Sports Update has been a feature on the show since it's very early days. Originally read by Lunchbox (the "third" host before Dieter joined the show), it has been read also by TV sportscaster Chuck Galleti, TJ Shanoff, Dieter and others.

  • The Shizzy

The Shizzy is a news segment read on air by Duji. Articles on unusual topics are selected and read by Duji, who has taken a lot of criticism from Rover and fans over her presentation and reading skills. Jonathan temporarily tried reading the Shizzy, but failed.

  • The Thursday Hook-up

Every Thursday, a local girl is selected by the show and appears on air looking to have a date with a guy she chooses. These woman are referred to by the show as "Hook Up Hotties". Their pictures are usually taken by DJ Jazzy Jim and posted on the show website for listeners to view. Callers are screened and the woman is presented with three potential dates, which she interviews on air in a Dating Game-style format. Before callers are interviewed the Rover asks the women a series of questions to get to know her, including the size of their "creamers" which Rover and Dieter usually guess correctly. The callers are often presented with embarrassing questions or tasks (for instance, one woman asked a man to talk to her for 30 seconds like he was having sex with her). The woman then weighs her options and selects one caller, whom she is set up with on a date. The show provides the couple with a limo, dinner, and other amenities. Rover has claimed in the past that several marriages have resulted from the Hook-up and occasionally the woman will call up a few days later and provide an update as to how the date went.

  • Dumb, and Dumbest

The names of three of two phone screeners on the show. Dumb (AKA "MC Streeter") is the only one still on the show (and still a phone screener). Dumbest (AKA "Fenix") is no longer on the show but hosts a weekend timeslot on 92.3. Rover dubbed the three of these guys their names due to their obvious incompetence. Dumb weighs almost 500 lbs. and is infamous for the lame way he proposed to his wife. The audio of the proposal was mistakenly given to Dieter, who promptly gave it to Rover to play on the air. The CD included sappy love songs and Dumb uttering his infamous line, "Hey, Baby it's me" to his wife. After the audio was played live on the air, Dumb was continuously ridiculed by Rover, Dieter and Duji. Dumb is also famous for being controlled by his wife and buying her fake diamond earrings and trying to cover it up. The highlight of Dumbest's stay on the show was the time he had his cell phone stolen by three black kids, who he followed home but did not confront. He then went on the air to tell the story to Dieter, before asking Dieter to help him get the phone back. Dumbest was ridiculed for days over his lack of action. After the show moved to Chicago, Dumber and Dumbest moved on while Dumb continued to run the board during the show for the Cleveland broadcast.

  • Rover's Phone Frenzy

At the beginning of the show, listeners can call in and talk about whatever comes to the mind of the caller, whether it is news stories, what happened on the previous show, etc.

[edit] Inside Jokes

  • Duji's Forehead

Duji's forehead is often the subject of jokes/references by members of the show. Rover and Dieter in particular believe that her forehead is extremely large and poke fun at her for it.

  • Tom Herschel is a big joke on the show. He thinks he's a part of the team and tries to hang with the crowd but no one wants anything to do with the "general micro-manager".
  • "Hey Baby It's Me"

Dumb proposed to his now-wife using a taped recording of himself talking and playing sappy love songs. The tape started out with him saying, "Hey Baby, It's Me."

  • Dieter Loves Paco - During a dare, Dieter had to kiss a homosexual named Paco and has never heard the end of it. Occasionally, during homeless hummers, callers give "Dieter loves Paco" as their "answer" to the song artist/song title.
  • Rover's STD

Rover used to have Chlamydia, but he has recovered.

  • Jonathan + Courtney

Jonathan hooked up a girl named Courtney on and then proposed to her on the show only a few months later.

  • CLY - RBAY

Many fans have questioned this and it means "Cleveland (also Chicago at one point) Loves You" and the reply is "Right Back At You."

[edit] Affiliates

  • Cleveland, Ohio WXRK FM 92.3
  • Rochester, New York WZNE FM 94.1
  • Memphis, Tennessee WMFS FM 92.9

[edit] External links