Rostam Farrokhzād

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Rostam Farrokhzād (رستم فرّخزاد in Persian) was the Ērān Spāhbod (Commander of the Iranian Army) of the Sāsānian Empire's armed forces under the reign of Yazdgird, r. 632 - 651.

Originally from Armenia (one of the provinces of the Persian empire), both he and his brother served aptly and loyally. Indeed, Yazdgird sent Rostam himself to lead a massive Persian force to confront an Arab-Muslim army that had slowly been penetrating the south-western frontiers. Although Rostam held doubts as to the potential success of his mission (including several premonitious dreams), he accepted Yazdgird's order and met the invading Muslim army near the banks of the Euphrates River at the plains of al-Qādisiyyah. During the course of the three-day battle that ensued, one fighter even succeeded in capturing and beheading Rostam himself, and a terrible rout of the Persian army ensued.

The Persian poet Ferdowsī recounted Rostam's exploits and the tragic battle in the epic poem Shāh-nāmeh. Pointedly, Ferdowsī concluded his proto-nationalist opus with this battle and the murder of Rostam, ending just before the Islamic conquest of Iran.

edit Persian literature series
شاهنامه فردوسی
Shahnameh of Ferdowsi
Characters: Abtin | Arash | Afrāsiāb | Esfandiār | Fereydun | Goodarz | Gordāfarid | Hushang | Jamshid | Kāveh | Kai Khosrow | Kiumars | Manuchehr | Rakhsh | Rohām | Rostam | Rostam Farrokhzad | Rudābeh | Sām | Shaghād | Siāmak | Siāvash | Simurgh | Sohrāb | Tahmineh | Tahmuras | Zāl | Zahhāk
Places: Irān | Māzandarān | Samangān | Turān | Zābol | Kābul

[edit] See also

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