Rosario Salazar

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Rosario Inez Consuelo Yolanda Salazar (also known as "Rosie" and "Ro-Ro") is a character on the American television sitcom Will & Grace. She is played by actress Shelley Morrison.

A native of El Salvador, Rosario was a schoolteacher who received a bachelor's degree in clinical psychology from the University of Texas, and almost got a Masters Degree (three credits short); she, at some point, also attended Business school. At some point, she moved to the Bronx - assumedly while studying Business. While there, she also performed with a then-unknown Jennifer Lopez, including a production of Tea for Two at the Shalom Retirement Center. At one point, she was also paid to tape pornographic videos of Tommy Lee.

One of Rosario's brothers is a political prisoner, and remarks made by Karen suggests she has children, but they are possibly still in El Salvador.

In 1985, she met Karen Walker at a club, while working as a cigarette lady, and went to work for her as a maid, which was where she was working when the series began in 1998. Rosario and Karen are incredibly close, but they constantly bicker and try to outdo each other in snide comments, causing strangers to think they are mortal enemies.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.
Shelley Morrison (bottom left) with the cast of Will & Grace
Shelley Morrison (bottom left) with the cast of Will & Grace

Although she had been mentioned by Karen since the pilot episode, Rosario's first appearance was in the season-one finale, "Object Of My Rejection." To keep her in the country, Karen had her marry Jack McFarland, her gay friend, to get her green card. The marriage was later terminated at the end of season two, when Rosario asked for a divorce to pursue other romantic interests.

Although she briefly "cheated" on Karen by also working for Karen's rival Beverley Leslie, and once had to take the rap when Karen attempted to smuggle pearls in to the country from the Virgin Islands, Rosario has remained faithful to her mistress. After Karen's separation from her husband Stan, her money was frozen and Rosario slept by her side in the limo for several days. After Stan's apparent death, while throwing his ashes to sea, Karen was pushed overboard by Stan's mistress Lorraine, and Rosario jumped into the ocean to save her. They were picked up by a Russian ship and later stole a jet ski to make it back to their boat. Stan left $20 million dollars to Rosario, however, she was not elgible to get it until 20 more years of service to Karen.

Rosario was one of few people who Stan remained in contact with after he faked his death (in season five). When Karen learned that Rosario had kept this news from her (in season eight), she fired her. Rosario worked as a bar attendant until Karen ultimately took her back.

In the show's series finale, Rosario was shown to have lived with Karen and Jack in the years after the show ended, growing older with them and possibly still working for them despite being in a wheelchair (though she states that she is only in the wheelchair due to a sprained ankle).

Rosario typically is seen wearing a Members Only jacket on top of her maid's uniform. She has a particular fondness for sandwiches from Subway.

Morrison was a guest star in the first two seasons, but from season three until the show's end she was listed as a main cast member in the episodes she appeared in.

[edit] Rosario and Karen - Fights and Insults

Rosario is known for her volatile fights with her employer Karen Walker, where they screech over each other, ending simultaneously with a loud insult. A few seconds of silence follows before they embrace each other emotionally declaring their affection for each other, to the laughter of the audience.

Karen is often known for her insults (often ignorantly racist!) to Rosario, examples including:

Karen: "You Mexican Nesting Doll"

(At a Carnival)

Karen: "Be careful where you sit in case someone thinks they've won a giant Shrek doll"

(At Karen's Birthday Party)

Rosario: "Yoko Ono gave me two dollars for orange Tic-Tacs - I think she likes me" Karen: "Oh honey she does - she just asked me if I could buy that big statue of Sitting Bull in the bathroom"

Karen: "Why you ingrate - when I met you, you were boxing donkeys for money" Rosario: (indignant) "You pulled me outta Business School you tipsy witch!"

Karen: "Rosie I just me the most wonderful guy" Rosario: "Are you sure you didn't just lean into the doorknob again?" (knock at door) Karen: "Quick Rosie - that's him - you pretend to be me!" Rosario: "Okay I'll take out my soul and sell it to the Devil"

Karen: "Hey you - time to sit is time to knit" Rosario: "What a co-incidence, two knitting needles - one for each of your eyes".

Rosario: "Mmmm, Subway - this could only taste better if I was eating it on your grave"

(at Stan's funeral)

Will: "For years of devoted service I leave my beloved...maid Rosario the sum of 20 million dollars" Rosario: (jumps up) "I'm free! I'm free from that evil witch!" (turns to Karen) "I hope you burn and I hope it hurts" Will: " be paid on the completion of 20 more years of service to Karen Walker" Rosario: (meekly to Karen) "would you like a soda?" Karen: Yeah honey - maybe in a little while - like in 2016!"

Will & Grace
v  d  e
Will Truman | Grace Adler | Jack McFarland | Karen Walker | Rosario Salazar | Supporting Characters

Episodes | Awards | Guest Stars | DVDs

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