Rosalie Bradford

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Bradford, during her period of extreme weight.
Bradford, during her period of extreme weight.

Rosalie Bradford (b. August 27, 1943 - d. November 29, 2006) holds the Guinness World Record for most weight lost by a woman.


[edit] History

Ever since childhood Rosalie Bradford was what she herself termed a "foodaholic", due apparently to depression. Rosalie had been in foster care, and after the death of her foster mother she used food as a way to cope. As the years passed Rosalie continued to gain weight. At age 14, she weighed 202 lb (92 kg). At 15, she weighed 309 lbs./140 kg ([1]). In her twenties she met a man and they were married. The couple eventually had a son. Rosalie found herself staying home with their son and cooking a lot. Her weight continued to climb. She eventually tried several diets and even joined Weight Watchers with little success.

Finally, after a blood infection landed her in the hospital, Rosalie gave up on exercise altogether when the necessary bed rest allowed for her weight gain to accelerate. She remained immobile for 8 years. Her health and spirits continued to dwindle. Rosalie reached a peak weight of 1,199 lb (544 kg) in January 1987. In 1988 Rosalie became so depressed and frustrated that she attempted to take her life using painkillers. Her fat absorbed the potentially lethal dose and caused her only to sleep for two days.

A concerned friend contacted Richard Simmons, a familiar face in the weight loss industry. Simmons then contacted Rosalie and spoke to her at length. Rosalie recalled Simmons saying "God doesn't make junk and you are worth the effort". After the phone call Rosalie received a package from Simmons containing some exercise tapes and an eating plan. Rosalie ignored the tapes and plan for a couple of weeks but eventually decided that she had nothing to lose.

She started small by clapping her hands along to the videos. "It was the only movement I could do," explained Rosalie. She focused in on her diet and stuck to Simmons' plan. After just a year she had dropped 420 lb (190 kg). Eventually she got some more outside help from a physiotherapist and soon her weight dropped to an astounding 500 lb (226 kg), a total weight loss of 699 lb (317 kg). Rosalie persisted with her weight loss plan and eventually reduced her weight to 200 lb (91 kg). The lymphatic system in her legs was damaged in one of 5 sessions of surgery to remove excess skin during her weight loss.

Rosalie Bradford posthumously continues to hold the world record for having lost the most weight.

She died on November 29, 2006, 63 years old, at a hospital in Lakeland (near to her Auburndale, Florida home).

[edit] Statistics

[edit] Quote

I know others suffer the way I did and I've got one message for them - if I can do it, then anyone can. It's about taking small steps towards your goal. You can do it if you really try. I'm living proof of that.

[edit] See also

  • Jon Brower Minnoch, who holds the world record for being the heaviest man ever.
  • Dimensions magazine states that Carol Yager, who weighed 1600 pounds at her peak, was the heaviest woman who ever lived, but Guinness still recognizes Bradford as the one who holds that distinction.

[edit] External links

[edit] Sources

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