Roper resonance

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The Roper resonance, also known as P11(1440), is an unstable baryon state/particle with a mass of about 1,440 MeV/c2 and with a relatively wide full Breit-Wigner width Γ≈300 MeV/c2. It contains three up (u) or down (d) quarks with total spin J=1/2 and total isospin I=1/2. In the quark model it is considered to be a radially excited three-quark state with radial quantum number N=2 and positive parity. The Roper Resonance has been a subject of many studies because its mass is actually lower than three-quark states with radial quantum number N=1.

There are some indications, both experimental and theoretical, that the Roper resonance is actually two very closely spaced P11 pion-nucleon states.


[edit] Discovery

The Roper resonance was discovered in 1963 by a computer fit of particle-scattering theory to large amounts of pion-nucleon scattering data measured at large particle accelerators around the world. The scattering analysis was done on large computers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory for Ph.D. thesis work of L. David Roper at Massachusetts Institute of Technology under the direction of Prof. Bernard Taub Feld at MIT and Dr. Michael J. Moravcsik at LLNL. The large computer code was developed by Richard Allen Arndt and Robert M. Wright.

[edit] Decay

Because of the relatively large full width, which according to uncertainty principle means a shorter lifetime, the Roper resonance decays into a system consisting of other hadrons with a total mass less than the mass of the original state. The Roper resonance decays most of the time via the strong force into an ordinary nucleon plus a pion, nucleon plus two pions, or Δ plus a pion.

[edit] References

"Evidence for a P11 Pion-Nucleon Resonance at 556 MeV", L. D. Roper, Phys. Rev. Letters 12, 340 (1964)

"The Development of Pion‑Nucleon Scattering Analysis: A Personal History of Discovery" by R. Gordon Moorhouse and L. David Roper

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[edit] Composition

Particle Symbol Makeup Average PDG
mass MeV/c2
S C B Full width
Decays to
P11(1440) P11+ uud 1440 0 0 0 200-450 See Particle Data Booklet
P11(1440) P11- udd 1440 0 0 0 200-450 See Particle Data Booklet

[edit] See also