Romanization VT

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[edit] Fudan Romanization

(Vottay Da`oc复旦大学) Initials

Labials Dentals Sibilants Palatals Velars Glottals
Unvoiced Unaspirated Stops p t tz tx k q
Unvoiced Aspirated Stops ph th ts tc kh
Voiced Stops b d dx g
Nasals m n jn kn
Unvoiced Fricatives f s c h
Voiced Fricatives v z x
Liquids w l j


Vowel Semivowel Nasal Ending Glottal Stop Example Meaning
n c
ɿ,l î ir `tzirsec knowledge
i j j je,jay,jor,ja jon jec,joc,jac je`ci game
y ü uy yoy yn yc yn`ton sports
u u u way,woy,wo,wa un,wan,worn wec,woc,wac worn`ti emperor
I i i in ic `injon hero
ø ö oy `qoyba arrange
ɤ,ə e e en eq elli reasonable
o o o on oc o`te underside
ë ey qey` hi
ɚ er er while
E,ɛ ä ay `fayga tomato
ɔ ô or orn zorzorn upward
a a a an ac a`can shoe-cabinet
single m `mma mom
gn gn fish

Glottal Stop “c” can be replaced by double writing the following consonantal letter except for”m,n,h”.

There shall be only one of the vocalic letters (A,E,I,O,U) in one monosyllable,as there are no true diphthongal syllables in Shanghai dialect.

Rimes "UYN", "UYQ" can be shortened by "YN", "YC".


Long Short Light Stop
High 55 53 5
High `lon lon` `loq
Low 334 34 33 13 2
Low lon lon lon loq loq

The short high tone is only used in a monosyllable or the last syllable of a polysyllable. Long or short low tones are almost the same. Light low tone is always used in a polysyllable.

`lonlon lon`lon `lonlonlon lon`lonlon lonlonlon` `lonlonlon`
55-33 334-55 55-33-334 33-55-33 334-33-53 55-33-53

This romanisation was designed by LI Hui (a frosh), Center for Anthropological Studies at Fudan University, Shanghai, China.