Romanas Arlauskas

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Romanas Arlauskas (born 11 June 1917, Kaunas, Lithuania) – a Lithuanian-Australian chess master.

Arlauskas played at sixth board (+4 –7 =7) in an unofficial Chess Olympiad at Munich 1936. He tied for 1st-3rd, with Birmanas and Leonardas Abramavičius, ahead of Povilas Vaitonis, Povilas Tautvaišas, etc., at the 1943 Lithuanian chess championship in Vilnius. At the end of WW II, Arlauskas, along with many other Baltic players (Dreibergs, Endzelins, Jursevskis, Mednis, Ozols, Sarapu, Tautvaišas, Vaitonis, Zemgalis, etc.) escaped to West, just before the advancing the Soviet forces arrived, to avoid deportation to Siberia or any other persecutions the Soviet occupation (e.g., those of Vladimirs Petrovs). In 1947, Arlauskas tied for 6-7th in Kirchheim. He, like Endzelins, Ozols and Sarapu, migrated from Germany to Australia. Arlauskas won the South Australian championship in 1949.

He finished 3rd in the 4th World Correspondence Championship (1962-1965). Awarded the GMC title in 1965.

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