Rom (Star Trek)

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Species: Ferengi
Gender: Male
Home planet: Ferenginar
Affiliation: Bajoran Militia
Posting: Assistant Manager for Policy and Clientele at Quark's Bar (resigns)
Deep Space Nine maintenance engineer
United Federation of Planets SPY !
Rank: Maintenance engineer first class
Portrayed by: Max Grodenchik

Rom is a recurring character on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. He is played by Max Grodenchik.

Rom is a Ferengi, the son of Keldar and Ishka. He is Quark's brother, and the father of Nog.

[edit] Overview

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Born around 2335, Rom did not have the business acumen typically associated with Ferengi (they said he didn't have the 'lobes' for business). He had a knack for fixing things, but until around 2372 he worked as a waiter and stock boy in his brother's bar on Deep Space Nine (in the first episode, he was credited only as "Ferengi Pit Boss"). Rom lacked confidence in himself mainly due to Quark's habit of frequently calling him an idiot. Quark did this, however, because he genuinely believed his brother could never succeed on his own; by putting Rom down, Quark thought he was protecting him. But, after four years living among Federation and Bajoran citizens on the station, and probably inspired by his son Nog joining Starfleet (an action that made him very proud), Rom left this job to become a Bajoran engineer.

Odo had once described Rom as "an idiot, [who] couldn't fix a straw if it was bent". However he did turn out to have a lot of talent, and played an important role in the station's participation in the Dominion War. An example of this was Rom's design of the self-replicating minefield used by the Federation to block access to the Bajoran wormhole, before DS9 was captured by the Dominion.

His first wife, Prinadora, bore his son Nog. She stayed behind on Ferenginar when Rom first came to Deep Space Nine. The marriage was later dissolved, and Rom eventually married Leeta, a Bajoran Dabo girl employed at Quark's bar.

When Grand Nagus Zek became less greedy after coming into contact with the Bajoran prophets, he founded the Ferengi Benevolent Association and appointed Rom chairman ("Prophet Motive"). Acting in a manner atypical of himself, Rom took advantage of the opportunity and embezzled money from the charity. He regretted it later, turning his life around upon his upcoming engineering career and second marriage.

An interesting time in Rom's life was when he, Nog, and Quark experienced a malfunction in the warp drive of their small ship. While escorting Nog to Starfleet Academy on Earth, they unintentionally travelled backward in time and crashed in, of all places, Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. Accordingly, a U.S. military team soon had the ship wreckage taken to a secret base, as well as taking Rom and company to be examined and interrogated. At this point, Quark's greed overwhelmed him, so he decided to alter Earth's history by using his knowledge of the future to manipulate the world economy; for the sole purpose of gaining personal wealth and power. Fortunately, Odo was able to rescue them, talk some sense into Quark, and bring them safely back to the future without altering the timeline. This occurred in the episode "Little Green Men".

Throughout his seven years on DS9, Rom underwent great personal growth as a colleague, parent, and in almost every other aspect of his life and career. He also proved valuable, on several occasions, in helping his people deal with important issues facing their society. In 2375, to the shock of everyone, including Rom himself; Zek appointed Rom to succeed him as Grand Nagus, becoming the new leader of the Ferengi people and economy.

[edit] Appearances

Rom appears in the following episodes:

Season 1

  • Emissary, part I
  • A Man Alone
  • The Nagus
  • Vortex

Season 2

  • The Homecoming
  • The Siege
  • Rules of Acquisition
  • Necessary Evil
  • Rivals

Season 3

  • The House of Quark
  • Heart of Stone
  • Prophet Motive
  • Through the Looking Glass
  • Family Business
  • Facets

Season 4

  • Little Green Men
  • Our Man Bashir
  • Bar Association
  • Body Parts

Season 5

  • The Assignment
  • The Ascent
  • Doctor Bashir, I Presume
  • Ferengi Love Songs
  • Call To Arms

Season 6

  • Behind The Lines
  • Favor the Bold
  • Sacrifice of Angels
  • You Are Cordially Invited...
  • The Magnificent Ferengi
  • Profit and Lace

Season 7

  • Take Me Out to the Holosuite
  • Treachery, Faith, and the Great River
  • The Siege of AR-558
  • It's Only a Paper Moon
  • The Emperor's New Cloak
  • The Dogs of War
  • What You Leave Behind (series finale)

[edit] External links

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