Talk:Roleplay Online/Archive 2

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Archive This is an archive of past discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page. If you wish to start a new discussion or revive an old one, please do so on the current talk page.

prior comments to this at Talk:Roleplay_Online:Archive1 I'm also going to sort out that mess of an email by inseting a few < br > tags.

First PM from Karzak (there are a few)

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Access to Heaven by Karzak (visitor)

Hey, I have a problem with one of your moderators who didn't identify themselves. I think I was treated by them in violatiomn of the rpol terms and want to seek a resolution.

Ae the moderators elite and the posters pions?

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Re: Access to Heaven by cruinne (GM)

Karzak, the problem here is that you violated both the rules of the forum you posted in (which state very clearly, "do not reply to posts in this forum") and the RPoL Terms of Use which require you to follow moderator instructions and treat other people politely.

Your posting into someone else's game ad to criticize them and call them an asshole was not acceptable.

Now, can you explain how my stopping you from continuing your argument in the Wanted-Players forum violated the RPoL Terms of Use, or do you just want to apologize for making me have to step in?

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Re: Access to Heaven by Karzak (visitor)

"Besides, if it affects ur life that much, maybe u should get offline and actually live one."

That's what the I was sent by the poster of the player wanted thread. If the thread was closed in 30 minutes, why was it open 10 hours later?

What does respect mean to you?

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Re: Access to Heaven by cruinne (GM)

Users are not required to come back to the ad forum and close their ads when the game is full (in fact, they cannot close threads there, only edit them).

Whatever happens within a game needs to stay there. Your dispute is not something you need to make public.

Regardless, your acceptance to a game is not guaranteed just because you applied to it.

By the way, I'm still waiting for an answer to the question I asked.

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Re: Access to Heaven by Karzak (visitor)

What question is that? The DM told me they were done with accepting in 20 minutes, yet 10 hours later they still had their thread in players wanted open.

That's what you call respect?

If you want to ban me for replying to a thread there, go right ahead. If you want to talk respect, then talk respect.

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Re: Access to Heaven by cruinne (GM)

Alright. When you're ready to discuss this like an adult, come back and we can talk about it.

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Re: Access to Heaven by Karzak (visitor)

lol, so now you call me a child and pretend that is respect?

When you feel like an adult then you can continue this. Otherwise I am done, the DM of the game said they were closed in 20 minutes but forgot to close the thread for new players, the thread was still open after 10 hours with a 17 question questionairre.

Do you know what respect is?

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Re: Access to Heaven by cruinne (GM)


Take some time. Cool off. I moderated you because you broke site rules. That's it -- but now I'm getting a little fed up with your attitude.

I've shown a lot more restraint and respect to you than you've shown to RPoL and its rules tonight. Let's leave it at that, and maybe tomorrow not being allowed to argue about some game in public won't seem like such a big deal to you.

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Re: Access to Heaven by Karzak (visitor)

Ban me if you think I deserve a ban, Don't ban me if you think I don't.

It's that simple.

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--ElSpike 01:17, 10 January 2006 (UTC)

Second one:

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Access to Heaven by Karzak (visitor)

Another attempt at jase, I feel that there are things here that have not come to light.

I am reasonable, but I don't like waistin my time because others are to lazy to close players wanted threads. If you feel I am unreasonable, ban me. If you don't then listen to my side.

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Re: Access to Heaven by elSpike (GM)


Firstly, please keep your questions to this board and do not continue posting on other boards trying to get attention.

Secondly, you have been banned from posting in the Wanted Players section on RPoL. Any additional violations of either the Terms of Use or the Notices on each of the Public forums will result in your temporary banning from RPoL entirely for 14 days.

That said, what are the things that you feel have not come to light? It is very clearly posted in the Notice at the top of the Wanted Players forum that you should direct all comments or questions relating to that post in the game being advertised. It seems that you are "wastin your time" because you failed to read the posting rules.

As Cruinne has stated, users are unable to close their thread in the Wanted Players forum so how is that being lazy?

You are demanding respect in the previous private message so I am giving it to you. What exactly is your grevance with either the initial deletion of your comment in Wanted Players or the response by the moderation team?

elSpike out.

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Re: Access to Heaven by Karzak (visitor)

I don't know who you are, I don't know who crunne is. You can ban me, or I can take it up with jase, which is what I want at this point.

If you feel I am a detriment to rpol then ban me, if you do I hope you will give me a chance to put my side in "lost souls", but of course I haven't seen you give anyone that respect.

My point is, if players are to be respected, games that are closed shouldn't still be open in players wanted 10 hours after they stopped accepting characters, asking for a 17 question rtj. If that's too much for you to grok then so be it.

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Re: Access to Heaven by elSpike (GM)

Sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is elSpike. Like Cruinne we are moderators on this site. The definition of a Moderator is one who speaks and acts on the authority of Jase. As such I am just as effective at answering your issues as Jase is.

So, please feel free to air your greivances here.

elSpike out.

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Re: Access to Heaven by Karzak (visitor)

I don't feel cruinne gave me a fair shake, I feel your motivation is to support cruinne more than it is to fairly moderate.

That's why I ask for jase.

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Re: Access to Heaven by elSpike (GM)

In what way do you not feel that Cruinne did not give you a fair shake?

I'm sorry you feel that I will not be impartial, all I can give you is my word that I will take into consideration anything you bring.

The fact that you question my integrety without even knowing who I am speaks volumes of your oppinion of Jase though. Don't you think he would select moderators who would be impartial just like him?

Or is it that you just don't want to give me the respect that you are calling for? It does work both ways.

As I have said previously. If you would like to outline what aspect of Cruinne's dealing with you that you feel is in error, I would be happy to assist.

Cheers elSpike out.

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Re: Access to Heaven by Karzak (visitor)

Look a it from my point of view, either I deserve a ban, or I don't.

I don't think I deserve any censoring. I do think that my opinion has been neglected, and that I have been lumped in with underage sex adicts and multi registered posters in being threatened with a ban.

Am I angry? Yes, damn right, I posted a 17 fucking question RTJ 9 hours and 40 minutes after the game inquestion stopped taking applications. Am I chopped Fing liver that my time means jack shit? If my application wasn't even going to be read, don't you think those aswipes should have posted that their game was full?

Cruinne did nothing but blame me, I don't think that he even fo a fraction of a second tried to put himself in my shoes. Look at this post of mine and cruinne's reponse and tell me what I should think of you mods, and if I should ask for jase:



Fri 30 Dec 2005 at 23:06 Access to The RPoL Chamber of Lost Souls

I want to give my side of things when you ban me. Is that to much to ask? cruinne

GM, 23 posts

Fri 30 Dec 2005 at 23:29 Re: Access to The RPoL Chamber of Lost Souls

Yes. Now, shoo."

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Re: Access to Heaven by elSpike (GM)

Hi there Karzak,

As you can see I have never used vulgar language when dealing with you. I would appreciate it if you would do the same.

The reason you were censored is multi-fold:

  1. 1 You failed to read the Posting Rules at the top of the players wanted forum which clearly state:

TOU typed: 3. Do not reply to posts in this forum.

  1. 2 You posted an insulting post in a public forum. RPoL is an all ages board and as such using inappropriate language like "asshole" is not allowed in any way shape or form.
  1. 3 You then proceeded to re-post in the same forum after being warned that you were in breach of the Posting Rules. This is what got you the 2 week ban from posting in Wanted - Players.

Cruinne, like all moderators apply the rules as set out evenly and fairly. It was not a witch hunt against you. You broke the rules and were moderated in the same way as anyone else would. I too have been moderated before and I am a moderator (another moderator felt my post was innapropriate).

I do understand the frustration you fell at "wasting" your time, but unfortunatly that is the nature of gaming. If the game is full and a GM does not edit their post there is nothing we can do about it other than filing that name away and not applying to their games ever again.

As for Cruinne's response to you, I think she was just showing her annoyance at your continued posting in the Wanted Players Advert for the game after she had already moderated you.

At this poing in time I believe you have recieved exactly the response you should have and should go back to playing on RPoL and find a better quality GM.

You do have the right to seek higher opinion in the form of Jase, and as such I will flag this for him to review. He will respond to this thread if he feels the need to.

You may request your Wanted - Players posting rights be returned in 14 days.

Cheers elSpike out.

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Re: Access to Heaven by Karzak (visitor)

Why resort to lying?

"#2 You posted an insulting post in a public forum. RPoL is an all ages board and as such using inappropriate language like "asshole" is not allowed in any way shape or form."

Did I post "asshole"?

"#3 You then proceeded to re-post in the same forum after being warned that you were in breach of the Posting Rules."

Unfortunately rpol doesn't update in real time, so I had my second warning before I even saw the firat.

But this is beside the point, the point is that you posted clearly with the intent to uphold cruisse rather than to act on any infractions I may or may not have made.

If I violated rpol TOS in such a way as to be banned as shown in moderator action in the past, then ban me.

But I still want to discuss this with jase, with my posts, cruisse's posts, your posts and vampyrs and her husbands posts.

Respect is a two way street, and no matter the result I won't give respect where none was shown. If the rpol tos demands me to give one way respect then ban me.

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Re: Access to Heaven by Shannara (GM)

No, you posted "assh0le".

That's quibbling over semantics - and elSpike said 'any way, shape, or form' - and using a 0 instead of an o does not change your intent.

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Re: Access to Heaven by Karzak (visitor)

But he was still lying. Right?

Why should I suffer a lie? You may think there isn't any difference between asshole and assh0le, but they are not the same, and if I can't trust moderatorsd to stick toi the EXACT truth in such minor things, how can I trust them at all?

If you are not willing to consider how I felt when told by Vampyr that she stopped taking applications for her 17 question rtj over 9 hours before I put mine in, then you are not being fair to me.

If you think I am a detriment to rpol then ban me, in equal action to those you have banned before.

But I still want to talk to Jase about the way these things are done, I don't think it's fair for me to work more than a half hour on a rtj that was closed 9 hours before I read it. That is the ultimate in disrespect to me. I don't think Cruisse treated me with respect or understanding either. I don't want lies either, I want a reconing based on strictly what was posted in comparison to what bans have been issued for in the past before this threat to ban me continues.

I feel I am wasting my time until I get Jase, or someone who won't deal in lies.

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Re: Access to Heaven by elSpike (GM)

If you think a typo of assh0le vs asshole is a lie then you are mental.

You have been banned. Try posting in Wanted - Players.

At this point, if you accuse me of lying again or cast dispersions over my integrity again I will ban you completely from the site for 2 weeks.


elSpike out.

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Re: Access to Heaven by Karzak (visitor)

Again, I ask for someone fair.

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Re: Access to Heaven by elSpike (GM)

Banned for two weeks.


elSpike out.

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--ElSpike 01:18, 10 January 2006 (UTC)

Third PM

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Jase? by Karzak (visitor)

All I want is a fair shake, a mod who is willing to see both sides.

Is that to much to ask?

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Re: Jase? by elSpike (GM)

We are seeing both sides.

You are just not accepting our verdict.

What you want is someone who sides with you. Which you will not find in this moderation team.

elSpike out.

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Re: Jase? by Karzak (visitor)

You have already lied once, and refused to discuss this event.

Again I ask for Jase, this thread is to ask for Jase, it isn't for you.

Please respect that.

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Re: Jase? by jase (GM)

Karzak, before you start demanding for respect you really should try to exhibit some toward others. As the old saying goes; "Do unto others, as you would have others do unto you." I've listened to your side, unfortunately it's been marred by demands, insults and crude language.

Yes, the GM should have updated their advert to say it was full. No they should not have closed the thread because they do not have the ability to.

That's what the GM did, not that we're here to discuss what other people did or did not do. I realise they didn't update their thread, which would have been the polite thing; alas there's little we can do about people failing to be courteous.

Please note that this is not the same as being impolite. Which leads me to you.

You replied to the advert. That is unacceptable. You are not an exception to the rules, which are in plain view. You have to follow the same rules as everyone else. Like it or lump it, it's really that cut and try and that simple.

You also posted "assh0le", which to everyone on this earth reads as "asshole". So you, my fine friend, calling others a liar for pointing out what you did post makes you the liar, and a rather hypocritical one. Do not acuse others of being the liar, you are only fooling yourself. Don't try to weasel your way out of it, own up to it like an adult. It'll be the first mature thing I've seen you do.

Take responsibility for your actions. You replied when you should not have. You posted in an insulting manner. You escalated it further.

And for your information, RPoL does update in real time and yes you, without a shadow of a doubt, deserve to be banned.

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--ElSpike 01:19, 10 January 2006 (UTC)

...And now we learn why we were never given any references by the user (and I learn a powerful lesson about trying to help people I don't know, in situations I have no knowledge of). Apologies that you had to waste what time it took posting that here, elSpike. - Ross Midnight

Is there a way we can prevent this a$$hat slandering our page in future, since it is now quite clear he was caught bang to rights and has just dug his one grave, right here, on Wiki?C.B 01:38, 10 January 2006 (UTC)

From: "Jason Roper - RPoL" <> Save Address Block Sender This Is Spam To: " CC: Subject: RE: now that i'm banned 2... Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 23:53:04 +0800 Show Full Headers Back To [INBOX]

It's all right, Patrick, it's just me. You can admit you're wrong, you don't have to hold up this facade any longer.

Look, we both know I'm right and you were in the wrong, it's as plain as the English language you're trying to mangle. We can both see it, your complete lack of rebuttals of anything I say (my examples and analogies included, which we both know are perfectly valid ways of proving a point), your poorly constructed case which does nothing but restate what you did the very first message, your false laughter.

It's ok, stop making a fool of yourself and let it go. Admit you're wrong, apologise and move on. I've moved on already.

It'll be good for you if you just take responsibility for your actions and leave it at that; a maturing and growing experience, regardless of your age.

Original Message-----

From: Sent: Monday, 9 January 2006 1:39 PM To: Subject: RE: now that i'm banned 2...

Maybe when you get to my age you'll be less of a hypocrite and a little wiser. Of course I'm not holding out much hope, as I was considerably wiser and more mature than you at 33.

Original Message -----

From: "Jason Roper - RPoL" <> To: "' Subject: RE: now that i'm banned 2... Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 00:13:48 +0800

> I'm 33 (34 in march) you stupid, evasive, immature, liar.
> Bye bye.

> -----Original Message----- > From: > Sent: Sunday, 8 January 2006 12:32 PM > To: > Subject: RE: now that i'm banned 2... > > LOL, now you are reduced to posting scenarios instead of discussing actual
> events, how sad for you.
> > Your moderators were the instigators, and the only thing out of you close to > the truth is that they are far from perfect.
> Calling someone a simpleton is calling them a simpleton. That's the truth.
> And I see you are unwilling to address the fact that you called me a liar,
> the very thing I was banned for. While your looking up simpleton look up
> hypocrite as well, rotflmao. It's funny that you want me to take
> responsability when you break your own rules protecting your cry baby mod
> who went "wha wha, he called me a liar, whaaaaa!"
> And you are certainly younger than me, much less experienced, and no where
> near as wise, it's a shame you won't really take a bet on those facts.

> ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Jason Roper - RPoL" <> > To: " > Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2006 15:45:08 +0800 > > > > > What's next?
> >
> > You: "Ha, you asshole!"
> > Them: "Don't abuse me!"
> > You: "I didn't insult you, I called you an asshole. Don't say I insulted
> > you, you're a LIAR. You're an asshole and a liar."
> >
> > Calling someone a simpleton *is* calling them stupid. It is saying they > are
> > a person who cannot understand simple things. Check your dictionary. If
> > you cannot grasp that simple concept then I say you are a simplet0n. Good
> > luck getting through life if you think you can weasel your way out of
> > insults by nit picking on peoples choice of words and insulting them by
> > calling them a liar.
> >
> > Grow up, take responsibility for what you've done and the rewards you're
> > reaped from them.
> >
> > I'd also suggest you try a test; go ask your parents if your argument
> would
> > work with them. Even better; call them an "asshewl". Miss pronounce it
> on
> > purpose and then see if you can get out of your grounding when they tell
> you
> > not to call them an "asshole". "But I didn't! I said asshewl!"
> >
> > Moderators deal with petty little users like yourself because I do not
> have
> > the time, thank you so much for wasting mine and once more making me
> wonder
> > why the hell I bother to respond to ingrate users like yourself. They
> have
> > my authority to deal with the issue and they dealt with your insults and
> > worming appropriately. You should have let sleeping dogs lie but you
> > wouldn't let it rest.
> >
> > You were the one who chose to continue, yelling jase like a child calls
> for
> > mum. They gave you your answer and you chucked a stink because it wasn't
> to
> > your satisfaction. It was an Internet tantrum.
> >
> > The moderators are far from perfect. But by the heavens above, compared
> to
> > you they are flawless diamonds.
> >
> > Take my advice, I'm willing to bet I'm about double your age and triple
> your
> > wisdom.
> >
> > No further correspondence is necessary, or desired.
> >

> > -----Original Message----- > > From: > > Sent: Saturday, 7 January 2006 12:40 PM > > To: > > Subject: RE: now that i'm banned 2... > >
> > LOL, you called me a liar as well, should you ban yourself? Of course you
> > won't because it doesn't deserve a ban, for me or for you, especially if
> it
> > is an honest reaction.
> >
> > You have, however, made several dishonest statements here as well.
> >
> > First off, semantics being what they are, if you called me a simpleton and
> I
> > said you called me stupid I would be lying and you would be correct to say
> > so. If I commented on your statement to be honest the best thing I could
> do
> > is actually quote it, paraphrasing it or interpreting it is not the honest
> > way.
> >
> > Secondly, I was posting a thread asking for you, it was the moderators
> > kept jumping into these threads and wouldn't let it go. If you examine the
> > threads honestly you will see this is the case, the moderators were the
> > instigators at this point.
> >
> > I posted in the heaven section to discuss people posting in players
> wanted,
> > then not closing the thread when they stopped taking applications 9 hours
> > and 20 applications prior, especially in a case like this where the RTJ
> > required a 17 question process including three paragraphs of background.
> For
> > that DM not to edit that thread to say "closed" was very disrespectful.
> >
> > Also, I didn't post to undo the players wanted ban, I could give a rats
> ass
> > about being banned from posting there. You are dishonest in assigning my
> > motives to suit you.
> >
> > You also should remember that you talk to real people. Your moderators
> were
> > wrong to go three to one on this, that was instigating and not moderating.
> > They were wrong to post in threads addressed to you in order to further
> > instigate, and elspike was wrong to ban me for posting my honest take on
> his
> > actions in a private thread. Are you really that thin skinned? They say
> the
> > truth hurts worse than lies, right?
> >
> > Had your mods not instigated, had they simply left the threads addressed
> to
> > you without provoking more, we wouldn't be having this discussion. That's
> > what really makes a moderator, that root word "moderate". Instead they
> > choose to continue this. That's just plain wrong.
> >
> > I suspect there are no conditions under which you would admit your mods
> are
> > not perfect no matter what they did. That you will always bend the facts
> to
> > blame anyone else.
> >
> > That's a pity.
> >

> > ----- Original Message ----- > > From: "Jason Roper - RPoL" <> > > To: " > > Subject: RE: now that i'm banned 2... > > Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2006 09:01:24 +0800 > > > > >
> > > If you want to argue semantics, I'll argue semantics.
> > >
> > > elSpike never wrote you typed the word "asshole". He said
> language
> > > like "asshole". "assh0le" is very much like "asshole". They mean the
> > > exact same thing, they're the exact same word; one just has a letter
> > > substitution.
> > >
> > > It's like arguing you did not say the word "colour" because you're
> > American
> > > and you typed "color".
> > >
> > > If I call you a "simpleton" then you have every right to ask that I not
> > call
> > > you stupid. I didn't use the word "stupid", but that's what the word
> > means.
> > > My defence could not be "I never called you stupid", it just does not
> make
> > > sense, nor does such an argument work in the real world. You may think
> > it's
> > > just the Internet, but everyone you've talked to is a real person.
> > >
> > > "assh0le" means "asshole", plain and simple. You typed it, you meant
> it.
> > > You'll have as much trouble convincing people if you objected because
> you
> > > used different capitalisation.
> > >
> > > Give it up, you used the word, you were argumentative about it and
> accused
> > > someone of being a bald faced lair (over and over) about it.
> > >
> > > You also got three different moderator responses because you refused to
> > let
> > > it go. One moderator gave you your response but it wasn't good enough
> for
> > > you, so you kept on and on and on hoping you'd eventually get someone
> > who'd
> > > agree with your rather warped point of view; sorry, you haven't found
> > > anyone.
> > >
> > > You did protest your punishment for replying in the players wanted
> > section;
> > > that's exactly why you posted in the Heaven forum in the first place.
> > >
> > > Nothing on the internet is private. You attacked three different
> > > moderators, calling them liars, questioning their integrity and yelling
> > for
> > > me until you were blue in the face because their responses were just not
> > > good enough for you. If you honestly think that they were just going to
> > > take those slaps on the cheek and continue on then you're mistaken.
> They
> > > warned you but you persisted, you reaped what you sowed. When
> > communicating
> > > on the internet you are talking to real people, you best remember that
> in
> > > future.
> > > > > >

> > > -----Original Message----- > > > From: > > > Sent: Friday, 6 January 2006 2:43 PM > > > To: > > > Subject: RE: now that i'm banned 2... > > >
> > > "You also posted "assh0le", which to everyone on this earth reads as
> > > "asshole". So you, my fine friend, calling others a liar for
> > > pointing out what you did post makes you the liar, and a rather
> > > hypocritical one. Do not acuse others of being the liar, you are
> > > only fooling yourself. Don't try to weasel your way out of it, own
> > > up to it like an adult. It'll be the first mature thing I've seen
> > > you do."
> > >
> > > LOL, It's pretty funny that you try to turn this into me being a liar. I
> > > will freely admit what I did or did not post, if your mod would stick to
> > > what I actually said instead of lying.
> > >
> > > Yes, I posted assh0le, if you say I posted assh0le I won't deny it.
> Unlike
> > > elspike, I am honest.
> > >
> > > Nor did I protest the punishment for replying in the players wanted
> > section
. > > >
> > > How can you honestly expect respect when you don't show it? I wanted to
> > talk
> > > to you, instead I got three different mods, each escalating the
> situation
> > > further, and the last one couldn't even be honest about what I did post.
> > >
> > > Banning someone for something said in private messaging is pretty low
> > class.
> > >
> > >

> > > ----- Original Message ----- > > > From: "Jason Roper - RPoL" <> > > > To: " > > > Subject: RE: now that i'm banned 2... > > > Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2006 14:05:20 +0800 > > >
> > > >
> > > > Hey, let me know if I can ever do nothing for you ever again!
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > -----Original Message----- > > > > From: > > > > Sent: Monday, 2 January 2006 2:03 PM > > > > To: > > > > Subject: now that i'm banned 2... > > > >
> > > > Never mind informing my DM's, I created a new login, crow8, and
> informed
> > > > them of my ban and departure.
> > > >
> > > > You can now permaban Karzak and crow8, and thanks for nothing.

Yeah. Just as i thought. You continued to flog that poor dead horse til it's ghost got up and bit you, then you come in here sabotaging our wiki to try and get some warped twisted revenge about it.

Well Karzak, now you have proven our point that you are a sad, pathetic, biased pov, we can go back to editing the article, with no comments about improper moderation.

You just proved to me, and anyone with a brain, that your comments were not true. C.B 02:23, 10 January 2006 (UTC)

Also, if you read through this, this is the post I was banned for:

Now, I was angry, but this was all on PM, and what isn't clear in this is that it is several PM's, I would quit one, and post a new one asking for Jase, and a moderator would enter it and continue the argument. It would be nice to have timestamps.

What I would also point out is the first disrespectful post between me and the mods is by cruinne:

Re: Access to Heaven by cruinne (GM)

Alright. When you're ready to discuss this like an adult, come back and we can talk about it.

Now, it escallates from here but this shows the basic methods of moderation at RPoL, based in insults. The emails from Jase show the same.Karzak 02:29, 10 January 2006 (UTC)

Did you not read my _polite_ pms? It was you who started using foul language at me. I was trying to help you with the issue. As I said. I was acting under the authority of Jase (you dont say to a cop, I want to talk to the Justice minister, when he hands you a ticket) and was trying to outline why it was that you were banned from the Wanted - Players forum. You then started arguing scemantics over the concept of assh0le vs asshole and called me a liar for suggesting the latter.

Im sorry you can't see our side of this, but to me you are just acting irrationally now. If you are truely "over it" as you stated with your alternate login, then why are we having this conversation?

--ElSpike 03:05, 10 January 2006 (UTC)

First off, you were not helping me, I asked for Jase several times and you simply kept interjecting yourself into the PM. Where in the RPoL TOS does it say I can't ask for Jase in a PM? Are appeals not part of the justice system over there?

Explain to me why this post violates RPoL TOS and therfore deserved a ban?

Re: Access to Heaven by Karzak (visitor)

Again, I ask for someone fair.

Also, if calling someone a liar on PM is so bad, why did Jase call me one? Why is it OK for Jase to send me emails like:

From: "Jason Roper - RPoL" <> To: "' Subject: RE: now that i'm banned 2... Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 00:13:48 +0800

I'm 33 (34 in march) you stupid, evasive, immature, liar.

Bye bye.
Karzak 21:23, 11 January 2006 (UTC)

Karzak, we have requested mediation in this matter. If you wish to discuss mentioning heavy handed and biased moderation in RPoL on the wiki please do so in there so that the issue can be assessed by a neitral party. It seems the only way this issue can be resolved in a mature manner instead of childish 'but he said she said.' C.B 00:44, 12 January 2006 (UTC)