Roleplay Intensive MUDs

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Role-Play Intensive MUD (RPIMUD). RPIMUDs gear toward realistic enforced roleplay which is often blended in with fantasy themes. In general, the objective of the game is not goal based hack-and-slash, but to collaborate with fellow players to create complex and multi-layered storylines in a cohesive gameworld.

The majority of RPIMUDs are levelless and classless, focusing instead on skills, crafts, as well as role-playing against the world or environment, often going as far as to request their players to engage in role-play with inanimate creatures and objects. Such dedication to role-playing, in addition to creating a vivid experience for other players, is often rewarded by staff members who invisibly monitor the game.

Out-of-character communications are mostly restricted if present at all. This contrasts with other forms of mud role-playing styles such as storytelling and freestyle mushes in which role-play is conducted between players and OOC communications are more important.

A brief list of RPI MUDs includes Accursed Lands, DartMUD, The Inquisition, Armageddon, and Shadows of Isildur.

[edit] External link

A community portal dedicated to RPIMUDs A RPIMUD based on Wade Gustafson's Subterranea Novels