Rokusho (Medabots)

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Rokusho is a mysterious Medabot in the anime series Medabots. He is an old stag beetle-type (or KWG-11237) Medabot who possesses the kuwagata (stag-beetle) type medal. Rokusho appears to have no master, and he Sporadically appears throughout the series, offering words of wisdom and help to Ikki and Metabee. His main goal is to protect rare medals such his own.

Long ago Rokusho did have a master whose name was Dr. Hushi (節原教授). However, he disappeared in a mysterious fire. Rokusho was called Youhaku (ヨウハク) by Dr.Hushi.

Rokusho is a Medabot who specialises in sword techniques. Attack abilities include:

  • A Chanbara sword on his right arm.
  • Extremely fast speed.

In the episode "Metabee vs. Rokusho" he got out of control. When the Dr. Metaevil tricked him into making him think that Dr. Aki killed Dr. Hushi and injured Batom (a parrot robot). He was trapped by Robo emperor after he used the medaforce to defeated. He was saved by Phantom renegade and then by Metabee. The giant medabot nearly killed Metabee but Rokusho, who knows the truth with the help of Batom, tried to help him only to be trapped by the cables of the Robo emperor. To save him, Metabee for first time, he used the medaforce.

[edit] Misc

  • Rokusho medaforce color is silver.
  • In kilobots season, Rokuso doesn´t appear more.
  • His colouring in the manga and anime are different.
  • Rokusho translates to Hexateuch, meaning ‘the first six books of the Old Testament.’ Whether this has any relevance is a mystery…