Roger the Negotiator

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Roger the Negotiator is the first episode in The Big O.

[edit] Summary

A large black car drives down a city street. It is driven by Roger Smith, a negotiator in the city of amnesia. He stops in front of an airplane hanger and steps out with a suitcase. There a man named Beck waits, who he is making a deal with. Roger represents a the man, Soldano, whose daughter has been kidnapped by Beck. The deal is made, and the daughter returned. Soon afterward, her father speeds up. He takes one look at the girl and shows that Roger has been tricked. The girl isn't his daughter, Dorothy, but is instead an android copy. Roger takes out a remote control which bring the suitcase out of Beck's car and towards him. Beck's men fire at it, and the money spills out over the city.

Roger stops by a bar afterwards, locking up his car with a sophisticated security system. He meets his source of information, Big Ear, and sits beside him. Big Ear jokingly mocks Roger for failing, but Roger responds that he had only been commissioned to find Dorothy's whereabouts, and had gone the extra mile to retrieve her out of the goodness of his own heart. Roger questions how such a human-like android could be created, and Big Ear responds that he heard that Saldano has gotten ahold of some memory, and that his factory is producing illegal items. Roger leaves, dropping a wad of money next to Big Ear.

Paradigm City, is a city without memories. Forty years ago, the entire city lost it's memory, but humans were able to figure out how to operate machinery, and keep civilization going. People go on with life, and try not to think about it.

Roger makes it back home, met by his butler, Norman. Norman informs her that a Miss Wayneright is waiting for her. Roger enters the room, and finds the Dorothy android. She asks Roger to protect her. Before they can discuss it further, Norman interrupts, telling Roger that Major Dan Dastun of the military police has arrived. Roger finds Dastun looking at pictures of the two of them in the militay police together. Dastun reveals that they did some digging, and found out that Soldano has no daughter. He calls Roger "Lieutenant Smith", which greatly angers him. Before leaving, Dastun warns Roger to stay out of this.

Roger jumps into his car, and as he readies to leave, Dorothy gets in with him. Roger sees that there's no use in trying to get her out, so they head off to Soldano's factory. On the way, Roger muses about what an android would call her creator.

They arrive at the factory, and finad a large hole in the ground, as well as a metallic structure that seemed to hold some large figure. Roger sees that the room at the top of the place has blood spattered everywhere, and hurries there to find a dying Soldano. He calls Dorothy "the second one" and claims that she's his real daughter. Before he dies, he calls Dorothy "Nightengale".

A rocket is launched, and Roger and Dorothy escape. Dorothy runs off as a decoy, as Roger uses his watch to control and fire his car's rocket launchers, killing the two men in a fiery explosion. A call waits for Roger back at the car. Norman tells him that a large robot has been spotted in Dome #5. Roger tells Dorothy that they've found her big sister, and jumps into the car.

In Dome #5, a large robot approaches the mint. Roger and Dorothy speed towards the dome, and Roger tells her that he has to fulfill his contract to return Dorothy 1, even though Soldano is dead. The military police rushes in, and Roger follows them. An officer tries to stop him, and Roger guesses that he must be a rookie, and tells him to remember his face well. As they drive, Dorothy catches a glimpse of an old man in a white suit, and says to herself, "Father."

Dorothy 1 breaks into the mint, and Dorothy, looking at her, goes into a trance. Roger puts his watch to his mouth and cried out "Big O, it's showtime!"

Dastun watches on, realizing that Dorothy 1 is going after the plates. Suddenly, the ground under him begins shaking. Nearby, a manhold cover rattles around and then shoots upwards. "What?" shouts Dastun. "Not again!" A large black robot which Dastun calls Megadeus breaks through the street. Inside is Roger, piloting it. The robot, Big O, takes hold of Dorothy 1, pulling her away. While everyone evacuated the area, Dastun sees Dorothy running towards the fight. Dorothy 1 gets the upper hand, surrounding Big O with large tentacles and lifting him up. As she does this, Dorothy, still in a trance, mimmics her movements on the street below. Roger manages to break out, and destroys the core of Dorothy 1 with a powerful punch.

When this is done, Dorothy's eyes get staticy, and she stands there still as Dorothy 1 falls towards her. Dastun runs off, and tries to pull her away, but the robot comes down on them. As Dastun's cries are heard, the screen goes black.

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